24 | Life Sucks |

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I smiled as the end of school bell rang; it was music to my ears. Nia and I decided to walk home together, seeing as I only lived two blocks away from her.

The cold December air nipped at my already rosy cheeks as I pulled my grey knit beanie closer to my ears.

"So you are going to the dance, but without a date?" Nia clarified, still walking straight forward.

I sighed, but nodded. A lot of the boys who asked me were upset with me, and some even tried asking again. I didn't want to go to such an "important" dance with someone I barely knew.

"You're so weird," Nia muttered, shaking her head.

I stifled my giggles, and we continued to walk in silence. We heard the faint sound of teens yelling and talking from a block away, seeing as we just left the school. I was glad I rushed out, because Josh was acting weird around me.

"Hey, Maddie," Josh greeted, tugging on my arm and pulling me into the stairwell.

I swear, for a second, I stopped breathing. I had never been
this close with a boy before; let alone Josh.

My back was pressed against the wall, and his chest was only a few inches away from mine. My heart was hammering in my chest, and my stomach was queasy. What was this boy doing to me?

"Oh, uh- hi," I nervously stammered.

Josh slightly smiled at me, before playing with the ends of my hair. Why was he touching me?

"So, I want to ask a girl to the dance, but she's really stubborn. I got her a necklace, and I'm planning to ask her after school. I'm
really scared," Josh explained.

I bit my bottom lip and tugged it, looking down at my combat boots. Was he talking about me? If he is, then this is totally cliché. Guy asks unknowing girl how to ask her out. Girl explains. Few hours to days later, guy shows up asking the girl out exactly how she explains it. They go out, fall in love, THE END.

I decided to play it simple, and asked, "What does that have to do with me?"

He wasn't expecting that question, as he was visibly taken aback.

"I just wanted advice from you since you're a girl and all."

Really Josh? Never would've figured that out!

"You have a sister for that," I scoffed.

I sassily rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest, pushing him away slightly.

"Well, yeah but--"

"Cut the crap, Josh. Why did you drags me here?" I demanded, narrowing my glare at him.

He sighed and pushed his hair back. Smirking slightly, he slipped a small box out of his back pocket, and opened it. Inside, was a beautiful silver necklace with a locket in the shape of a heart.

"Madison Nicole Ziegler, will you go to the Winter Formal with me?"

And that's when Josh Hyland kissed me. That's when everything seemed to fall together. That's when I realized he was all I was ever missing, but didn't know. That's when I realized I was in love with Josh Hyland.

But, after the kiss, I bolted. For some reason, I was scared.

"Well, this is my house. See ya tomorrow, Mads!" Nia called as she ran up her porch.

I smiled and waved but continued walking.

Toxic by Britney Spears was blasting through my headphones and I was silently singing along. Your love is toxic, babe. Huh, you can say that again!

I slightly smiled at myself as I made my way up the front steps. Dance didn't start for another hour and half, and Mom was the only one home since Kenzie was at gymnastics.

I fished my key out and twisted it through the hole. The door pushed open, and I threw my purple bag off my shoulder instantly. Sighing, I shrugged off my coat and hung it in the closet.

"Hi Mom!" I yelled loudly, running up the stairs.

I sighed as I flopped backwards onto my bed. The dance was in two agonizing weeks. What am I going to say to Josh? I would have to say yes, I mean, I was in love with him, right?

I groaned and rolled over. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, and placed it almost sideways in front of me. I clutched a pillow, and opened the camera. I pouted and pressed click. After putting on a few effects and a white border, I uploaded the selfie on Instagram with the caption: life sucks.

After closing the app for a few minutes and re-opening it, I found the picture had hundreds of likes. I shrugged my shoulders, and threw my phone on the other side of the bed.

Immediatley, my phone vibrated signaling I had a text. I rolled over and grabbed my phone, clicking the on button.

From my locked screen, I saw,

Unknown: I saw you and Josh in the stairs today. Please, don't trust him Madison. I love you and it hurts to see that you're falling for a monster.

What the hell? How'd this person get my number? I shook my head nervously, this had to be one of the boys who asked me to the dance and I rejected, right?

I groaned. Seriously, life sucks.

thoughts? who do you think sent the text? 40 votes for more and thank you for 1,000 votes! it's always been my dream so thank you guys sooo much!

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