CHAPTER 1 "First Day"

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I wake up to my alarm clock going beep-beep, I quickly smack it a little too hard my hand goes right through it(wolf strength). Crap, that's the third one. Oh, whatever I have never been a morning person anyway.

I slug my self out of bed and go brush my hair and teeth. I get dressed in jeans, a t-shirt that says 'In your dreams', and my all stars. I run down stairs for breakfast.

When I get down stairs I see my mom putting delicious plates of food on the table. And my Dad sitting quietly reading the news paper.

My stomach growls loudly giving me away. "Morning,are you ready for your first day of school?" My Mom says happily.

"I guess as ready as I'll ever be, Oh and I broke another alarm clock" I say the last part fast.

"Leia,we are not made out of money" mom says exasperated.

"Sorry Mom you know I've never been a morning person" I say taking a slice of toast and shoving it in my mouth like the pig I am.

"It's fine but you have to buy a new one.". Jokes on her I'll just use my phone, she really needs to get with the times.

"Do you want me to drive you to school?"

"No!I mean, no thank you I'll take the bus" I say in a rush.

I have been homeschooled but I know parents are embarrassing, once my mom told a boy in the pack that I liked, I like him I screamed' Do not' and ran away .

It's funny we are best friends now, his name is Coda(and no we are not mates,I think, not that we have tested it). Soon I hear a horn honk outside it's the bus.

"Bye Mom,bye Dad, love y'all see you later" I say hugging my Mom and kissing Dad's cheek as I grab my back pack running out the door.


I get on the bus and everyone stares, oh yey. I take the backseat, everyone is still starring , ok this is frustrating .

"Don't you people have something to do besides olge me?!" I snap, man I wish my brother was here. Everyone looks away almost afraid.

"Wow, I take it's your first day?"a soft voice says.

I look next to me and see a girl with brown hair and sliver eyes.

"Yes it is" I say a little weirded out, I take a deep breath and smell a sweet scent. Ok between the gray eyes and weird sweet scent she must be a fairy.

"So, New girl what's your name?"fairy girl asks.

"Leia Wolf" I deadpan.

"Cool, my name is Clover Wheatly".

"Nice to meet you, hey why was everyone starring at me?"I ask sending a glare to everyone on the bus.

"Well, you're kind of a legend" Clover says half heartedly.

"A what?"

"A legend. Because of your brother his name was James right?"

I cringed when she said his name, but that would be the worst way to start school.

My wolf whimpers."Yes,it is" I say once I gained composer.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you" Clover says with a frown.

I shake my head "No, it's fine I just don't hear his name that much. So, why am I a legend?"I ask getting back on topic.

"Because he was always talking about his amazing sister, no one really thought you we're real."she says with a little giggle.

"Wow, it sounds just like him". He always exaggerated.

The bus comes to a stop in front of the school. "So do you want some help finding your way around school?" Clover asks.

"Yeah, that would be great".


After our visit to the office me and Clover head to our first class,luckily we have the same classes but one. We walk into my first class, so far not impressed.

"Okay everyone take your seats the bell will ring soon"the teacher announces.

I sit in the third row,Clover sits on my left and my right remains empty.

After the bell rings and everyone takes a seat. The teacher begins the lesson, I start to hear foot steps coming toward the door,my heart races and my stomach starts to flip.

Whatever that is it doesn't sound human. My wolf growls in the back of my head. The closer the foot steps get the faster my heart races. I look up as the door opens and my heart stops.........

Hey sorry I love cliff hangers. Thank you again and sorry for the spelling and grammar. :) Please comment. Hope you liked it!

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