CHAPTER 7 "Snail Vampire"

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It's after school and I'm by my locker waiting on Aries. You would think a vampire would move faster, but no I have a crush on the snail vampire.

Just as I think that Aries walks up with his hot smile,ugh.

"So what do you want to talk about? Buttercup" he says with a smirk.

Did he just call me buttercup?

"How do you know about the buttercup thing?, only Coda calls me that" I say. Also my brother.

"I overheard you talking with that guy"

"Whatever, can you please just not call me that?"

"Sure, wolf girl" he says and it makes me smile.

"Okay so where are we going to do the essay? Because my parents would probably kill you, and I don't want to be killed by yours"

"Actually I have my own place".

"What like a coffin in a alley some where" I say smugly.

"Ha,ha, very funny wolf girl. No, as in a apartment" he says with that hot smile.

"Okay, when are you free to work on the essay?"

"Um, how about Friday night?".

"Sorry, pack thing"

"I'm free right now"

"Okay, can you give me a ride?" I say slightly embarrassed.

"Sure" he says with a smirk.

"What, so I don't have car?" I snap a bit.

"I just think it's funny that 'miss almighty alpha' doesn't have a car" he says laughing.

Before I even think I punch him in his arm and say playfully "You're a idiot" and I walk away.

"Hey, what was that for?"he says rubbing his arm, I didn't realize I hit him that hard.

"Sorry, I wasn't thinking"I say truthfully.

"It's fine,it didn't hurt" he says walking next to me.

"Oh, I see you were just messing with me" I say smirking.

"Maybe a bit." He smirks back

"Vamp boy" man I have been dieing to call him that.

"Wolf Girl".


As we walk up to Aries jeep I see some chick leaning against it. She sees us walk up and she says "Hey, babe where have you been? I've been waiting for like a hour".

Hearing her say that made me want to throw up. I clench my fist til my knuckles turn white. I've never been the jealous type, but I sure do feel like throwing my fist in her face a few hundred times.

"Oh, I was just talking to my history partner" he says all charming, and he kisses her and I mean a full on make out.

It felt like a million punches in the gut, I want to cry. My wolf starts to cry tearing my heart out. I have to get out of here, now! What is happening to me?

"Um, Aries I just remembered I need to get home"I say starting to feel tears. Okay suck it up, I think to myself.

"Oh,are you sure?" he says with a frown.

I can feel my heart breaking "Yeah, I'm going to go" I turn around and walk, no run away.

Once I'm out of ear range, I cry and start running. Why does this hurt so bad? I barely know him and yet I feel like I've know him forever.

As I'm running I see my house through my tear blurred vision. I run for the woods.

Now I'm full out bawling and I trip on a root. I fall to the ground, I just lay there crying pathetically for a minute. So many questions are going through my head.

As my crying slows I pull myself up an lean on a tree. Now I'm down to a quiet sob.

Then I hear "Leia,is that you?" It's Coda.

He kneels down beside me and says "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine" I say sniffing and wiping tears away.

"No your not".

"Well, there's this guy and I have a crush on him. But we are really different. And I feel really strong feelings for him, an now we have to do a dumb assignment together and I'm trying to ignore him. And when we were going to work on the assignment some chick comes over and they have a gross make out. But instead of puking I feel like crying my eyes out and I can feel my heart breaking. And I don't know why" I say tearing up again.

I just open up around Coda, ever since I can remember he's always been there for me. And I'm always there for him it's just the way we are. He smiles and wipes away a escaping tear.

I attempt a small smile and say "Can I stay at your place? I don't want to face my parents"

"Sure" he says standing up and putting his hand out.

I take his hand and try to stand, I feel sharp pain in my ankle.

"What's wrong?"

"I tripped I guess I hurt my ankle".

"Okay" he says lifting me up easily bride style.

I laugh and it feels good. We walk to his house which is on the other side of the woods. I lay my head on his shoulder and kiss his cheek, "Thank you" I say.

"Your welcome" he says smiling at me.

Thanks for reading mind The grammar and spelling please. Hope you like it. :) Please comment and tell me what you think.

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