CHAPTER 23 "Love is Tragic"

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I wake up laying on the couch to see Supernatural still playing. I smile to myself as I get up. I stretch my tired body before walking into the kitchen. I look around the kitchen til my eyes land on a fresh pot of coffee with a note next to it.

I pick up the note reading it.

'Good morning Wolf Girl,

I thought you might be hungry when you woke up. I'm picking us up some food shouldn't take to long. Try not to miss me to much. ;)

Love Aries.'

I smile as I look at the note while pouring me some fresh coffee. 'How did he know I like coffee'. I put two teaspoons of sugar in my coffee before drinking some.

As I drank it I could feel my wolf eager to get out and run. I feel a primal need to hunt. I needed to be in nature and think for a bit. But I won't leave Coda.

I sigh as I walk to Coda's room. His recovery is taking longer than I would have thought.

I see him still sleeping soundly. 'Yep, I'm am so killing him when he wakes up.' I think as I sit down next to Coda.

I sip my coffee until a low growl comes from Coda. 'It must be Aries'. I can't even smell him anymore unless I try really hard. Now he just smells like mint, and evergreen. Please don't ask me why.

I take a deep breath before his sent hits me. I sigh in relief before getting up and walking to the door. I can also smell bacon and eggs. I hug Aries after opening the door.

"Hungry?"he asks holding up a bag from McDonald's.

My stomach growls in compliance making us both laugh.

"I guess so"I say as I let him in.


After we eat Aries seems to notice my strange behavior.

"You okay?"he asked looking down at me while we are watching tv.

"Yeah, me and my wolf are just going a bit stir crazy."I say not looking at him as I scratch my arm awkwardly.

"You know I can watch Coda, if you want to go for a run."Aries says smiling awkwardly.

Smiling "Really?"

My wolf is more than ready to get out.

"Yep"he says slightly unsure.

"Thanks, vamp boy"I say smiling before kissing his cheek.

I walk out the door running for the woods my head to foggy to care that I just left Coda with Aries. I kick off my shoes before darting into the trees. I guess I could go check on the pack while I'm out.


Mean while.......

Aries p.o.v

After Leia left I sat in the kitchen until dog boy decided to start groaning again. I sighed loudly walking slowly on purpose. 'If Leia wasn't so close to him I probably would have killed him all ready.'

Dog boy groans sitting up looking like he has a bad hangover. I laugh drawing dog boy's attention.

He growls at me "What are you doing here?"

"Keeping Leia company while you were in comatose."I state indifferently.

He snarls at me making me smirk. 'See dog boy is the jealous type' I think to myself evilly.

I walk back into the kitchen sitting in a chair leaning it out. Dog boy walks out after a few minutes and pours himself a cup of coffee. He takes a deep breath then wrinkles his noes.

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