CHAPTER 14 "Nightmares never Die"

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I walk to my last class with Aries, now I'm more than okay with him sitting next to me. I head for my seat and notice Aries isn't in his seat, he's probably late again.

After the bell rings he's still is not here. About halfway through class he's still is a no show, is it wrong to be worried?

I feel like he is in trouble.

"Teacher?" I raise my hand.

She nods. "Can I have a hall pass?"

"Why do you need one?" She says with a bit of attitude.

I quirk a brow "Well, unless you want to clean blood off this seat."

Her face goes red and she hands me the pass.

'Thanks for nothing, shrew' my wolf agrees not liking how we were questioned.


I run to the woods behind the school, I feeling where Aries is. As I run I come to a stop smelling something. It smells like other wolves, with burnt flesh, where's Aries? I take a deep breath, I can't smell him through all of the burnt wolf.

By the smell I would say I'm surround, but I don't see anything. I take another deep breath and smell something oddly familiar, it sends worry to my gut. I need to find Aries.

"ARIES!!!" I scream while running becoming frantic.

I see him surrounded by wolves in a small clearing. Quickly I let my wolf surge forward and run for him. I bite a wolf in the neck and use leverage to throw him.

I stand in front of Aries and growl and snarl at the other wolves who growl back. Aries stares at me shocked, don't blame him. A much larger brown wolf with red glowing eyes charges at me, if I were human I would smirk.

He jabs for my throat and I quickly avoid it and bite his shoulder I immediately feel his blood run through my teeth. He tries to shake me off but I bite down harder making him howl in pain.

Another wolf bites my back making me release with a snarl of pain. He starts trying to bite my throat I move away the best I can but he nicks me. I hear a very loud angry noise and the wolf is off of me in a blink of an eye.

I look over to see Aries crushing the wolf's ribs I hear a sicking crack and the wolf's body drops motionless. Aries smiles at me nodding and I bow my head nodding. He comes to stand by my side as we fight.

As we stand I notice that all the wolves have glowing red eyes, some blood drips from my mouth I look down to see a small puddle of black ooze. Something is not right, these aren't normal wolves, they are slightly weaker. My Dad told me about something like them but I thought they were just a legend.

The wolves surround us circling, I look at Aries' hard glare at each of the wolves. I snarl baring my teeth with narrowed eyes.

Just as the wolves are about to attack I hear a all to familiar howl telling the wolves to back off. I snarl more standing in front of Aries more. 'We will die before we let him get hurt' me and my wolf think together.

How is he alive? I think as the devil himself walks right through the pack of black blooded wolves.

He turns into human form, smirking, taunting me. I let out a deep rumbling growl.

"Now how is that a way to say Hi to your first love" he says smirking.

I turn back into human form "I never loved you and you know it you worthless piece of shit!" I nearly yell.

Aries puts a hand on my back concern playing on his handsome face. It calms me, he wraps his arm around me protective. I smile a little and lean into his touch.

"How are you alive? I ripped your throat out." I all but snarl.

"Well, you see dear I'm with destruction, and he brought me back to life and made me alpha of his demon wolf pack" he says all giddy.

Oh man, would I love to pound his face into the ground, or you know kill him again, it was pretty fun the first time.

Aries pulls me closer. "Congrats what do you want a fucking award" Sass rings in my tone.

Aries laughs at my smart comment drawing Alex's attention to him.

"And who is this? My replacement?" Alex sneers in a jealous tone.

"No one could replace you, you murderous omega" I say in a ticked off my rocker tone.

"Don't call me that I'm a alpha now" he says getting a little worked up about the omega comment.

"A real Alpha doesn't need to tell themselves that." I glare at him speaking as boldly as I can.

"Haven't you gotten over that whole thing with James and Carrie yet?" he ask still ticked off and changing the subject.

"No as a matter of fact I haven't" I say through gritted teeth barely keeping composer. My wolf scratches at the surface. 'Not yet, we need to know what angle he's playing' I tell her trying to calm her.

He laughs maliciously "You always did have trouble letting go of things "

Another growl runs through me, Aries pulls me closer rubbing my shoulder in a soothing way. Some tension leaves me and I huff out a rugged breath. Alex watches our movements closely.

"I'm so glad to see you finally found your mate" Alex sneers like he solved a mystery.

My jaw drops.

"What? But I'm not a werewolf" Aries says just as shocked.

"Oh, It doesn't matter to fate what you are" Alex smirks.

"Well I really should be going. It was nice to see you again gorgeous, you really have aged well." He says darkly and with that he and his pack are gone in the blink of an eye.


"Who the heck was that?"Aries asks me.

"My ex boyfriend" I say in no rush to tell him about my past as I take a seat on a rock near by.

"Okay, were you going mention that you killed your ex boyfriend? And why was he trying to kill me and you?"

"Yes much later in this relationship and frankly he's insane" I say calmly.

"Okay, and what did he mean we're mates? That's a werewolf thing, isn't it?" Aries says looking at my blank face.

"It's not just a werewolf thing, even humans have mates. It doesn't matter what you are" I say looking at him trying not to let the pain in my heart show.

"We have no control over it" I say secretly praying it's not too much for him.

"Okay, and are you going to explain?" he says looking back at me as he paces back and forth.

"Yes, but not here" I say hoping no one is around.


"Because Alex could be listening" I lie.

"Oh, well we could go to my place" he says with a small smile.

"Okay" I say offering a smile that comes out more like a grimace.


We walk back to school and grab our stuff and walk to his jeep. The whole ride is silence. Once we get there I'm pleasantly surprised to see a completely normal apartment building.

I think I was actually expecting a coffin in a alley. Aries parks the jeep and opens my door, I mumble a thank you. He takes my hand as we walk making me smile. As Aries opens the door to the apartment I see that dumb girl again.........

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