One last time

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I miss you

As I go back to your profile

I see all those messages

Saying things you hate

And it made me realize

That every one of those things

Describes me

I don't know how we made it in this friendship

When really, you shouldn't have liked anything about me

I'm a terrible friend

I'm a rude person

Never did I deserve you

But you were always there

To reassure me

To listen and help

Now I'm here

Writing this

When really, I just want to be telling you these things

No one ever helped more than you did

That's all you ever tried to do

You truly cared 

But I never appreciated it

Until now

When it's all gone

When I can't apologize

I think about everything you did for me

Everything you said 

Everything you made me feel

I felt like I was on top of the world

Maybe that got to my head

Just once last time

I want to talk to you

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