Chapter 2

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---> Travis

Chapter 2

Travis's P.O.V

I was sitting in the corner of my old house. In the living room. I watched as my parents fight. My daddy pulled her hair and slammed her face against the side table.Mommy was bleeding and was saying bad words. My mom kept hitting my dad even though It's useless. My dad punched my mom in the stomache making her lie down on the floor. Her eyes are close. I was too scared to crawl out of the corner.My dad looked at me. His face was scary.He came closer to me and grabbed my arm.I yelped in pain. He pulled out a gun and- 


My eyes suddenly fluttered open and I was sweating and Cold. Shit..Another bad dream! That's like the third time this week.I looked at the time and it was 4:30 in the morning. Time for work! I'm a police officer and every morning I drive around the perimeter to check if the road is safe. One time I found a dead deer in the middle of the road. I puked in disgust the whole time I was moving it. 

I grabbed my uniform and my my keys for my cruiser. 

I walked out and it was raining. It was pretty chilly but  good thing I decided to wear another sweater. 

Everymorning I stop by the Morning Cafe. Their coffee is really good and they only open during mornings. Shocking how they only open in the morning but they get a lot of customers. 

I ordered my usual. 123 Mocha 2 Go. I love saying that name. 

I started driving down the road. It was still raining and I think it got a little harder.

"Living easy, Living free Season ticket on a one way ri-" I was singing along Highway to Hell when I saw a body on the other side of the road. I stopped the cruiser and grabbed my umbrella. I walked over and see who this body was.

When I got closer I can tell that it was a girl. She had brown hair , I was getting tempted to touch it. Wait what the fuck?! Remember Travis your NOT and NEVER will stay with one girl forever. Your a player and you gotta keep it that way. I sighed. She was cuddling her backpack and curled up into a ball. She looked really cold. I decided to carry her and let her stay at my place ti'll she wakes up. 

I carried her bridal style and careful that she wouldn't wake up. She looked so peaceful sleeping. Her skin was pale. Probably cause it's sooo cold out and I wonder how long she's been out here. I also found a bruise on her cheek. Wonder where that's from. 

I layed her on the backseat and put her backpack beside me. 

I called my boss to tell him that someone needs to fill me in today since I have someone to take care of. I have a feeling this girl had a lot coming from where she came from, Who sleeps at side of the road? What if some rapist was driving by and decided to take her. I shivered just the thought of her getting taken advantage of. I'm glad I found her first. Shit I'm turning into a soft guy! 

We made it to my apartment and she was still sleeping. I carried her to my bedroom and let her get sleep. I changed into my boxers and decided since it's only 6:30 I'm gonna get some sleep. 

I sighed and got my self comfy and dozed off to sleep.


Hi Kay Sorry is it's short !! [X 

This is my first time doing this so dont hate (Y) <3 


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