Chapter 2: Higher and Higher

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Chloe's POV:

"CHLOE! I want to run your solo so get your shoes!" I skipped into the studio, tucking my stray hairs behind my ear. Miss Abby sat down and indicated for me to go over to her. "This week your solo music is called 'Home'. It's from the musical Wonderland. Your dance is about realising that your home is truly where your heart is and not just in a house. It's pretty and delicate - what you do best. Even though all the mothers are always complaining that I favourite Maddie, I favourite the talent. Right now Maddie is sloppy, lazy and pathetic. As her star is falling, yours is rising." I smiled. I was upset that she called one of my best friends pathetic but it feels good to be treated respectfully. "Now lets get started with this solo." I nodded and headed to the corner. The music came on and it was a truly beautiful song. I spun into the centre of the room and followed the music with the moves Abby was giving me. 'Aaanndd hooooooome'. I did a new, difficult turn sequence and jumped out of the turns, onto the floor to get into my ending position. I heard clapping so I turned around to see Abby smiling, tears streaming down her cheeks. I got up off the floor and Abby wrapped me in a hug. "That was perfect." I felt so proud of me! Only Ziegler kids have made her cry before! I looked up to the mom's viewing room to see if mom watched the dance. She beamed down at me, also crying. "Your finished for today, please send Brooke in." I nodded and headed back out to the dancers den. "Brooke, Abby wants to teach your solo." She nodded and walked in to the studio I just left. Mom came down and I ran over to her. " Hey Chlo! Your solo was amazing! I've got to go to the doctors for a.. checkup. I'll come get you later." I hugged her and said "Ok." She walked out and I went and sat down. I pulled my phone out of my dance bag and texted Josh.

Chloe: Hey Joshy!

Then I went on Instagram and scrolled through my feed. Paige had posted a photo of the whole team except for me. She must have taken it during my solo rehearsal. The caption read:

Just chilling at the studio with my best friends! These 5 girls are my life and i dont know wat i would do without them!!! LUV YA GURLS!!!!! <3

I sighed. Paige was being bitchy but she doesn't know how to truly effect me. Josh texted me back:

Josh: Heeeeeyyyyy babayyyyy!!!!!!! dont let paige get to u! shes just upset because she doesnt know the whole story, or the true one!!!!!!! u at the studio??

Chloe: yeppers. *sighs*

Josh: its ok. ill come in after hockey. when u got time off?

Chloe: argh its a long rehearsal today. ive done my solo practice. just duet (8:30) then groups last. idk wat time just after trio.

Josh: k. ill come round at 6. b out the front ''getting fresh air" ;p i gtg get ready. see ya later. <3

I locked my phone and threw it in my bag. Nia and Kendall were sitting on the other side of the den. I went and sat next to them. We chatted about silly things like celebrities and cute boys. Both girls carefully avoided the subject of Paige or Josh. Kendall looked like something was bothering her. " Hey K are you alright?" she nodded but she was obviously lying. "Serious Kendall, you can tell us." I pushed on, not wanting to see my friend uncomfortable. "Well I was wondering what it's like to kiss a boy." She looked at the ground and chewed the inside of her cheek. "It's truly amazing. Your stomach goes crazy and your hands shake but it's so epic." Nia nodded. "Why?" I asked. "Well there's this boy. He's funny,sweet, caring just amazing! And well today he asked me too the movies. And I guess I'm just curious." Kendall looked so embarrassed. Nia and I hugged her. "That's fantastic!" Nia exclaimed. " Yeah congratulations! When's the date?" I asked. "Wednesday night. 7:00... That's the thing. It's right in the middle of rehearsal." Kendall bit her lip and looked to Nia and I for support. "Cut class? Jump out the back window? Fake a sickie? Wipe Miss Abby's memory?" Nia was on a roll with crazy ideas. Kendall and I laughed and shook our heads. "I'll fake a sickie." Kendall decided. I smiled and got up, heading towards my bag. I pulled out my phone and checked the time. 5:58. "Excuse me ladies, I have a date with destiny." I winked and walked out dramatically. As I stepped outside, the icy air hit me. Probably should of grabbed a warmer layer. "Chloe!" Josh ran up to me. "You must be freezing! Here have my coat." He pulled off his coat and handed it to me. "Thanks." He smiled as I wrapped the coat around me. "Here I brought you this." Josh handed me a cup of steaming hot chocolate. "Aww thanks Josh! Your so sweet!" He just beamed. I walked over to a tree and sat at the base of it. Josh joined me. My hand slid into his and I rested me head on his shoulder. "So we're official?" He asked, hope in his voice. "Of course we are. As long as that's what you want. He didn't reply. Instead he kissed me. My lips responded immediately. After a bit I pulled away. We talked about random stuff for awhile until he had to go. We quickly kissed one more time and went our seperate ways. Hang on a second! I was still wearing his coat! I ran back in the other direction. I eventually caught up to him. "You forgot this." I said, slightly out of breath. "Thanks Chlo." I nodded and ran back to the studio. Gianna who was sitting at the front desk raised an eyebrow when I bursted through the door. She chose to say nothing and returned to the computer. As I walked into the dancer's den who should I run into but Paige. She turned around (flicking her hair in my face) and walked in the other direction. I sighed and walked to my bag. Brooke was sitting next to me on her phone. "How was solo practice?" I asked as I pulled out my water bottle. "It was ok I guess but Abby screamed alot." She answered only briefly looking up. "Well that's not out of character." Brooke smiled and continued scrolling through her phone.


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