Chapter Twenty- Three is Better Than One

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Rey had grown huge in the past months . Her body was swollen and she was middy . Rey was walking with Ben , waddling down the halls . "How are you feeling ?" He asked rubbing a hand on her stomach .

"I hate you" she sneered . Ben chuckled and kissed her cheek.

Suddenly Rey stopped walking and grabbed tight hold of Ben's arm. "Rey what's wrong ?" .

Rey gasped and yelled and suddenly water spilled out from beneath her legs . "My water broke " she said gasping .

"Holy shit " he said. "Help ! Help ! Uh ! Rey needs help !!!" .

"Ben , I can still walk to the medical room " Rey laughed and he held her hand.

They walked in and Rey was taken to a room . Ben had to wait in the waiting room till they were done checking how dilated she was.

Ben was freaking out. What if something goes wrong and they loose all three. Of what if they have to chose to save just one. Ben looked up at the clock , it had been almost and hour and he really didn't want Rey in their by herself.

"Mr. Solo ? You can come in now" the nurse said. Ben nodded and walked in saw Rey laying in a bed.

Rey was in a hospital gown and had a blanket around her. "how are you ?" He asked grabbing a chair and sitting next to her.

"Okay ... I'm about 6 centimeters dilated so it might be a while longer... " Rey smiled and then grunted and smiled again .

"You're surprisingly calm" Ben said .

"They gave me drugs ... I can't feel a thing" she said with a goofy grin on her face.

"Well I'm glad your not in pain... So, who do you think will be born first ? Elia or the boys ?" Ben asked .

"I think one of the boys , then the other boy then Elia ... Ben ? How do we pick which boy had which name?" Rey asked .

"Well... The doctor said they have hair but most likely different colors... Maybe we name the boy with my hair color Aiden- Han and the boy with your hair Hadley-Anakin" Ben suggested rubbing her stomach.

"That's a good idea" Rey said and then held his hand. "I'm having a contraction "

"You're pretty strong ... Have you been doing your Jedi mantras of there's no pain there's only peace?" Ben asked .

"No ... I asked for a lot of drugs ... I love you Ben" she smiled .

"That's good because I love you too ..." He smiled .

Then a knock on the door opened . "Leia ! Luke ! Hi! Look how wonderful you all look ! Leia did you change you hair ? Ben didn't she used to have cinnamon buns on her ears ?" Rey said .

Leia and Luke looked at Ben and Ben sighed "they gave her a lot of drugs" .

"How far is she ?" Leia asked .

"Six centimeters " Ben said . Rey grabbed his hand and grunted then put her head back on the pillow "she just had a contraction "

"Using Jedi mantras Rey ?" Luke asked proudly .

"No ... I asked for a lot of drugs " Rey laughed .


Rey was now ready to begin pushing. Ben was holding her hand and she was now angry. "Okay ... On three push ... One , two three push !" The doctor said .

Rey was screaming and holding onto Ben's hand . "Push Rey push !" Ben said .

"What do you think I'm doing ? Baking a pie ?!" She yelled at him.

"Okay ... I see a head " the doctor said "push "

Rey pushed , holding onto Ben's hand tightly and then a cry was heard . Rey sat back "this is your son ..." The doctor said holding the baby up. He had black hair and was crying louder .

"There's our little Aiden -Han" Ben said . Rey smiled and Ben kissed her .

"Okay ... Baby number two ... Ready?" The doctor said . "Push !"

Rey began to push and was at the verge of breaking Ben's hand . "Come on Rey ... You can do it" Ben said .

"Talk to me one more time and you won't live to see the other two be born!" Rey yelled .

"Happens all the time" the nurse said . Ben nodded and then a cry was heard "and here's your other little boy" the doctor said holding up a baby with brown hair .

"Hadley-Anakin " Ben said . Rey smiled and closed her eyes .

"Okay now baby number three -"

"Go away I'm tired !" She yelled .

"Rey come on ! One more !" Ben yelled . Rey rolled her eyes and grabbed his hand .

She began to push harder and harder . "Here's the head ! Shoulders ! Okay stomach ! Legs ! Ankles feet ! Your done !" She yelled .

The little girl began to cry and Rey smiled . The doctors handed three wrapped up babies to them. Rey was holding the two boys and Ben had their daughter .

"Welcome to the world you three" Ben said and kissed Rey's head "I love you so much ... Thank you " he said .

"I love you too ..." Rey then looked at the two boys "and mommy loves you two" . There was a knock at the door .

"Here Rey, hold Elia and I'll get that" Ben said and handed her Elia.

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