Chapter Twenty-Seven- You Never Left Me

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Rey woke up and there was a note on her nightstand.

The divorce papers are in my office ... I've already signed mine and I labeled where you're to sign.

- Ben

True they had talked about his and everyday Rey felt that they got closer and closer again .

She didn't really want this . Once she signed those papers it was official , she was no longer his wife .

Rey grit dressed her normal clothing and walked to his office . Her chest was pounding .

Rey opened the door and saw Ben sitting in at his desk. His hand were over his face while he rubbed his temples .

Rey suddenly remembered of when this happened when she was on his ship .

He sighed and slouched in the dark black chair that was near his monitors.

Rey watched him take off his mask and gloves . She knew she had to do something for her plan of getting him to fall for her harder than ever , show that him that she was his and then when he was so in love with her, she would make him join the light side .

Rey quickly walked over to him , his face covered by his hand rubbing his temples . She took a deep breath and then out her hands on his shoulders .

She began to rub his shoulders . She heard him take a deep breath . "Kylo wants wrong ?" She asked in a fake lovey dovey voice .

"They are to have us rule the Galaxy-"

"That's so good " she said and kissed his forehead.

"But they're gonna make a big deal out of it... You know ... The leader of the dark side , the best of the light side ... They'll have it televised all over ... All of the supreme commanders are to come ... Including Luke and Leia " he said .

"Oh" and she continued to rub his shoulders .

"The want us to choose a planet to call home , somewhere were we can have a palace of sorts builds quickly" he said .

"And that would be a bad thing because?"

"Because we won't be able to sail anymore -"

"That wouldn't be such a bad thing ... We could focus on ... Other things.... "

"Like ?" He asked cocking an eyebrow.

"You and me " she whispered into his ear .

He smiled and put his hand on hers "I like the way you think" he said .

"It's getting late you should really get ready for bed ... I mean we have to plan a wedding and pick a planet after all" she said.

Rey walked over behind him and began to rub his shoulder "what's the matter Ben ?"

"Everything" he sighed .

"Why everything ?"

"Everything's a mess ... The kids , the council , you and me -"

"What about you and me ?" She asked .

"That's the worst of all... I feel so bad about the divorce-"

"Ben I know -"

"And I feel like I've failed .... I feel like my father and that's what kills me the most ... He left me and mother -"

"Hey , you're not leaving me and the kids ... They'll see you every other week and were getting away from each other"

"Rey ... I'm sorry " he said.

She then stopped and move to look at him . "Ben ... This isn't your fault -"

"Rey ... I'm a huge fake ... I horrible father and I've been an horrible husband since the kids were born" he said and grabbed her hand .

"Ben ... You're not a horrible father or horrible husband ... You have a lot on your plate .. I understand that Ben ... "

"Rey -"

"I understood that ... But when you would come home or to be you would treat me so coldly .... I felt like you didn't love me or want me anymore"

"I felt that way too" he said .

"Maybe we were meant to have three children and be friends -"

"I don't want to be friends Rey " he said holding her hands tightly.

"Then what do you want to be Ben ?"

"Married ... "

"Ben -"

"Please ? Don't sign the papers ... If you don't then we won't be official divorced .... Rey please " he begged .

"Ben ... I don't -" and then he kissed her lips. He pulled her onto his lap . The kisses got stronger and more intense .

She pulled away and looked in his eyes "Rey I love you " he said

"Oh Ben ... I love you too" and she kissed him harder .

"Rey let's get married again "

"Again?" She asked .

"Yes "

"Okay let's do it"

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