Home Sweet Home, B̶u̶t̶ i̶t̶ w̶a̶s̶ n̶e̶v̶e̶r̶ h̶o̶m̶e̶.

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Home Sweet Home, B̶u̶t̶ i̶t̶ w̶a̶s̶ n̶e̶v̶e̶r̶ h̶o̶m̶e̶.

Y/n's pov

We got home and my parents escorted me out the car. The house was really big, like really, really big. We could classify it as a mansion. In fact, it was a mansion.

(Could only find a backside, sawwy)We entered the house

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(Could only find a backside, sawwy)
We entered the house. Its what my mind could imagine it. The walls were a really light shade of blue almost white.

"I'm gonna get lunch started, why don't you kids head upstairs and do what it is that teens your age do.

Gray rolled his eyes.

"OK, mother." He said.

So we headed up to my room which was painted a light (f/c) color. Gray and Yana sat on my bed, while I bounced on my bean bag.

"You miss your room?" Gray asked.

I nodded.

"I forgot my room was awesome."

I looked around.

My room had a flat screen T.V., a desk, a laptop on the desk, the closet was opened and it was really big. I wonder how rich my parents are again. Then I remembered.

My dad owns a large multi-million dollar enterprise and my mom is an executive designer at Heart Krutz. (Is that how you spell it?)

"Your gonna go to school on Monday. Everyone has missed you." Gray said.

"Haha, OK." I said.

"After lunch, we'll head down to the pool." Gray said.

I nodded, I guess I was always a rich girl.

"Lol, we have to tell her what happened at school last week." Yana said, typing on her phone.

"Oh yeah, Jellal and Erza fought at school yesterday." Gray said.

Oh yeah, the couples. Erza and Jellal were on of them.

"Oh really? What were they arguing about?" I asked.

"There were rumors going around that Jellal was cheating on Erza with Ultear. You that girl that came a few months before?" Yana said.

"Really? Why them?" I asked.

"Because Jellal confirmed they were friends before Jellal met Erza." Yana continued.

"So people have been spreading around rumors that they have seen them around the town together. And it finally hit Erza and shit went down." Gray said.

"Wait, we didn't tell everything." Yana said.

"Right, so you know how Erza is crazy?" Gray asked.

I nodded.

"Considering she once said yes to you when you two went out back in freshman year." I said and Yana laughed.

"Shut the hell up! Anyway, Erza didn't just have a verbal fight with Jellal." Gray said.

"You mean that she-"

"Put hands on site, yes, yes she did." Yana said.

(I'm black, sorry.)

"Damn!!" I said.

(_Like how Chris Tucker and Ice cube say it.)

"She just walked to him on in the cafeteria, and after like a few words were exchanged, it was hands on site for Jellal." Yana said.

"Kids! Or Teens?! Whichever! Lunch is ready!" Mom yelled.

We all got of my bed and headed downstairs and saw the table set with food.

"Y'all sit and eat. Your father and I have to go somewhere. We packed our food up. We'll be back in 2 hours." She said, kissing Gray's and I's cheeks and ruffling Yana's hair.

"Bye mom." Gray and I said as she walked out the door.

We just focuses on our food and ate. Mom can cook some bomb ass food.

(My skin color is still brown, remember?)

"Everyone has missed you at school. They all visited you a few times too." Yana said.

I smiled. I then looked to the right and saw a picture of Gray, Yana and I with all of our friends."

Wait, something isn't right.

There is Me, Gray, Yana, Erza, Jellal, Gajeel, Levy, Juvia, Loke, and Lisanna. But....

Where are Lucy and Natsu...?

Word count; 616

I hope guys enjoyed that chapter, I literally updated this at 3:37 am. I'm gonna go sleep now

Nah, maybe not.


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