Is it All in My head? Fun times make time go by.

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Y/n's Pov 

Lucy and I hung out with each other during school, ignoring the stares we got. At this point, I don't care.

Because I finally remembered who the hell I am.

My name is Y/n L/n who doesn't give a fuck about what people say.

Lucy and I walked to my car and headed to Sabertooth.

After the students found out that I and Natsu were friends, they kinda destroyed his car.

"Hey Y/n?"

"Yes, Natsu?"

"Can you pick me up from school?."


"My car kinda got totaled."

"OMG! What happened?!"

"Some students had bats, and crowbars, and spray paint."

"Idiots, Lucy and I are coming. You wanna head to the mall?"

"That sounds great. See you later."

I rolled my eyes at that phone call.

"You know, everyone is dissing you on the Gram?" Lucy said, looking through my phone.

I had 2,456 followers and it went down to 345 followers.


"You do know you go to school and you live with one of them?"

"I'll ignore him, after all."

"OK..." She said, scrolling through my phone.

"Look at this, Yana made a video about how her best friend betrayed her," Lucy said, playing and all I heard was Yana yelling incoherent words. 

I slightly laughed at her words. 

Lucy and I continued talking and such till we got to Sabertooth and saw Natsu at the gate with another person. I honked the horn and waved him over. He looked and grabbed the person, we saw who it was and Lucy immediately blushed. 

"Hey you two, this is Sting but you all probably know him," Natsu said as they both climbed in the Escalade. 

"This is a big car you got," Sting said, whistling. 

"Thanks," I said pulling off. 

As I was driving, I glanced over at Lucy and saw she was blushing a lot, I looked at Sting through the mirror and he was staring at Lucy. I got an amazing idea and smirked. I pressed the button to turn on the radio. 

"You all are quiet? What's up?" I said. 

"I don't know, maybe my car was totaled completely and I was Sting's ride home," Natsu said. 

"I don't mind, plus Y/n seems cool," Sting said and I said thanks. 

"Turn up the Radio louder, let's see if I can distract myself," Natsu said. 

Book 2: Once Fairy ; Now HighschoolerWhere stories live. Discover now