Chapter nineteen

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"So this is it beautiful girl, last chance to change your mind" Coop tells me as I lay in his arms.
We have sneaked out the back and are enjoying the sun and peace and quiet before we part our ways. Beth will be here shortly to take my mother and myself to the day spa for spray tans and nails then we will be staying in a hotel penthouse for the night.
"Trying to be let off the hook?" I raise an eyebrow at him.
"You caught me" he rolls his eyes and smiles so bright my heart aches and my hands shake.
"Cooper, you will be there tomorrow right? I'm not going to turn up and find out this was just one of your pranks and we really are just best friends?" My voice gives away my fears.
"We will always be best friends, and lovers, and soul mates. But tomorrow I will be blessed to also call you wife, Isabel this is real. I definitely will be there, please don't be late" his hands smooth my hair and his fingers are steady, at least he's not shaking too.
"I've been warned my phone will be confiscated after eight tonight and I'm not allowed it back till after the wedding, I'm not even allowed a good night text" I pout.
"The boys have given me the same warning, Jace has beers and pizza organised for the night and Cole has organised the porn. I'm pretty sure Jace is with me on the porn being shelved though, there's a pretty good fight on tonight" Coop smirks.
"You would want to hope so it's been so long, you are likely to embarrass yourself in front of the boys" I wiggle my eyebrows.
"Nah the only movies that have got me excited are ours and I'll won't be sharing those I can tell you now" he chuckles at my accusation.
"I should hope not... I'm going to miss you lover, this night will be the longest of my life" my eyes start to water and I will it to stop.
"Baby I'm going to miss you too, I can't wait to see you in your dress and hear you say the words that make you mine forever" he brushes a tear from my cheek and I duck my head to his chest holding tight.
"Forever" I whisper.
We hold each other and let the sun warm us in silence and I just listen to the steady beat of his heart, committing the sound to memory so I can play it back in my head as I try to sleep tonight.
"Okay that's enough of that, she is officially mine for the next twenty four hours" Beth exclaims from the back door making me jump.
"Five more minutes" I grumble tightening my grip around Coops waist.
"No, he gets you for the next two months. Get your ass up and let's go Taylor!" She orders.
"I'll call you later baby, then again before we lose our phone privileges. Go enjoy the last time you will ever be a Taylor" Coop smiles then kisses me deeply, passionately and way too quickly.
"Fuck, I can't let you go" I tremble.
"I'll be waiting for you" he smiles shyly.
"I'll be the one in white" I tease swallowing hard.
"I love you Isabel"
"I love you Coop"
"Bye beautiful" he stands pulling me with him.
"Bye lover" another tear slides down my cheek.
"Okay okay, we get it! You are in love, move it already" Beth claps her hands to get me marching and I giggle.
"I'm coming, fuck! Don't get your panties in a twist" I shake my head at her and turn to blow Coop a kiss goodbye.
"I'm counting on you to take care of my girl. I've put cuffs in her bag, don't let her run" Coop tells Beth and she laughs.
"Already a step ahead of you Coop" she winks at him as she drags me through the door to collect my bags.
"Mrs. Taylor let's get this party started" Beth rushes mum picking up her bags and shooing her out the front door.
"See you at the hotel in the morning?" I ask Cole as he walks us to the door.
"Absolutely gorgeous" he kisses my head and I hug him quick before I leave.

Outside I see Beth hasn't come in her car but has organised a limo for us with champagne and strawberries and sweet soft classical music playing inside. The driver takes our bags as we climb in and I'm taken away from my lover way too fast.
"Okay ladies, time to have some fun" Beth declares and we all clink our champagne glasses with a smile.
"About time, I've been waiting close to thirty one years for this moment" mum smiles and she looks so happy.

We get buffed and polished and wrapped from head to toe in plastic and left to marinate for an hour, then soaked in hot steaming water that smells like roses and vanilla. We get massaged and waxed then mani's and pedi's, then spray tanned. We get fed lunch and more champagne was we wait for our tans to take, then it's time for more polishing. When I'm done I'm squeaky clean and smell amazing.
"Are you sure I don't look orange?" I mutter as we get out the limo at the hotel.
"Honey you look absolutely stunning. Relax, I know what I'm doing" Beth purrs as the valet collects our bags and we enter the foyer.
Wow this place is amazing, gold veined marble floors and rich cherrywood furniture. A grand staircase takes prominent point as you enter and onyx lions stand guard carved into the brass handrails. The staff are well dressed and well trained, busily working to get us to our room without delay.
We take the elevator to the top using the room key to ascend that high.
"You don't do things by halves do you girl?" Mum says in awe as we enter the suite.
"My best girl only gets married once, let's do this right the first time yeah?" She smiles back.
I draw back the heavy gold curtains to reveal a perfect view of the city skyline, then another to reveal a view that stretches all the way to the ocean.
"Mrs Taylor, your room's back here" Beth gives the tour and I flop on the giant four poster bed in the master suite.
"Make room for me" Beth giggles flopping almost on top of me.
"Are we bunking together tonight?" I ask rolling towards her and hugging her tight.
"We are, this bed is big enough we might need to text each other goodnight" she sighs.
"You know I haven't shared a bed for a week now, and I'm known for being grabby. Things could get steamy" I tease.
"I know you have wanted some of this for a while now, tonight is your last night as a single woman. If you want a go just ask" she gestures to her body with a wink.
"I love you Lizzy, no doubt about it" I kiss her cheek.
"Come on time for cocktails by the pool, we can't swim with our tans but get your bikini on and we'll make the most of this sun while it lasts" Beth is in boss mode and I'm sure she has planned everything down to the minute.
"One piece remember? I've managed to keep my secret all week I'm not letting the cat out of the bag now" I direct my eyes towards my mother.
"Good thinking, I would love to be a fly on the wall when Coop finds it" she giggles.

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