Chapter twenty four

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The music is loud and the cocktails are strong, my favourite combination. The boys are playing poker and I dance by myself on the coffee table. It's fun to watch them fight and laugh and call each other out, they really are brothers and they both know that right now life is good.
"Coop!" I call and he tosses another chocolate ball at me and I catch it with my mouth biting down on the malty centre.
"Good catch babe" he chuckles and I hold up three fingers then one telling him Cole has three aces. "Fold" Coop sighs and Cole groans.
"Fuck you man that chocolate pot was almost mine, not that there's much left, you keep giving it to your Mrs" he complains.
"I could be giving it to my Mrs right now, but I'm here bonding with my long lost brother. Suck it up and deal already" Coop winks at me over Cole's head and blows me a kiss.
"Obviously you made the right choice, I mean pussy is pussy right? You've only got one brother" Cole chuckles and I think he just might be as drunk as me.
"Duck!" Coop calls too late and the remote smacks Cole in the back of the head.
"Fuck woman! It was a joke" Cole growls and stalks towards me.
I shake my head at him but he keeps coming, I squeal and run but he takes my legs out from under me and we tumble to the ground.
"Apologise now!" He demands pinning me down with his leg.
"Fuck you, how's that for an apology?" I laugh.
"You seem to think because I won't hit a girl you can get away with antagonising me, you are about to learn otherwise shorty" he heaves me over his shoulder and I'm too busy laughing to stop him.
"You stay out of this" he points a finger at Coop as we pass dragging me down the hall and into the bathroom.
He turns the cold water tap on in the shower and unscrews the tap from the wall, drops me into the stall and holds the door shut so I can't get out and I can't turn it off. It's fucking freezing and I scream out.
"Let me out right now!"
"Fuck you" I say my teeth starting to chatter.
"Might want to rethink your choice of words gorgeous, and wearing white shirts over see through bras" he laughs making me look down.
"Cole!" I gasp turning to face the tiles, I may as well be naked from the waist up.
"Apologise shorty and I'll let you out" he laughs.
"Cooper! Please come help me, I'm very exposed in here" I yell calling out the words that will get a reaction.
"Cole what are you doing to my wife? Fuck man turn around" Coop laughs taking in the scene.
"Hey she chose her outfit not me, apologise Isabel it's not hard" he says not letting go of the shower door.
"Baby turn on the hot water, you're freezing. Then apologise, it was a pretty good crack you gave him" he tells me, oh yeah why didn't I think of that?
I have to turn away from the wall to get to the tap and Coop sucks in a breath and covers Cole's eyes. Slowly the heat works its way out the shower head and I feel the relief instantly.
"Tell him to apologise for his hurtful words, I never attack unprovoked" I say back to the wall.
"I'm sorry Iz, I take it back. If your vagina is anything like your chest, Cooper is a very lucky man and would be stupid to be spending his time doing anything but you" Cole concedes and Coop smacks him in the back of the head.
"Apology accepted, thank you. I'm sorry my perfect aim cracked you in your big fat head, next time you insult me I'll throw like a girl" I try not to laugh.
"Apology accepted, thank you. Here Coop you can deal with that" I turn my head and see Cole passing Coop the tap and walking out the room.
"Still wish you had a brother growing up?" Coop smirks opening the shower door and attaches the tap back to the wall.
"Yeah one like you who worships me, not one like lucifer out there who won't take my shit quietly" I pout turning to face him.
"Fuck Izzy, if you could see yourself right now?" Coop breathes then takes his phone from his pocket and takes my photo as I stand shocked and dripping in the shower stall.
"Oh you like this do you?" I place my hands on my hips letting him get an eyeful.
"Oh you know I do, I'm going to thank my baby brother for giving me a new way to punish your sexy ass"
"Punish me for what?" I raise an eyebrow.
"I'll let you know, it could be anything, wearing purple socks or blinking too fast" he grins and takes my hand pulling me gently from the shower.
He kicks the door closed and lifts my soggy top over my head and removes my bra, getting my wet clingy tights down my legs proves to be a bit tricky in our drunken state but together we manage. Chuckling softly Coop hangs my wet clothes over the shower.
"I think maybe you have met your match Iz, he's not going to treat you like a delicate flower"
"Good I don't want him too, he should be able to be himself in his own home. As much at that sucked it was good to see him happy" I sigh.
"As much as I hate his hands all over you I agree, I didn't stop him because he is family, more yours than mine so far but I know we will get there and family wrestle and fight right?" Coop wraps a towel around my back drying me off.
"I think so, I think ours will anyway. I can see the two of you playing rough in no time" I giggle.
"If he eyed off your boobs any longer I was going to play rough all right" he tells me removing his shirt.
"Drop your towel" he says.
"Where have I heard that before?" I smile as I obey.
"C'mere" he breathes dressing me in his shirt.
"Oh, I thought maybe you liked the look of the wall behind me" I pout.
"I really do, but it's not play time yet baby" he kisses me quickly and bites my lip.
"Go get dressed for dinner" he smiles.
"You're totally not getting this back" I pull on his shirt and run my hand over his abs as I walk out the room.

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