3~ that dosnt mean im gay!

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Before I start this chapter I want to sneak in that the story is told from
' Thomas's view ' but it's also third person just follows Thomas around!
Id also like to metion.. Angelica is the crazy ex, to over protective and gets attached easily....
I'm also trying to make This story as fucked up as possible so making Angelica insane is pretty fun to write...

Three moths later

( cough cough .... Bananas )
Thomas yawned and slowly rose from his bed rubbing his eyes. Another day , another lie isn't that just shitty? Thomas shook out his hair walking down the hallway of his apartment and into the living room.

Next to the living room is the kitchen , so Thomas headed there next. He grouchily opened the fridge and grabbed a banana. Peeling the banana and took a bite. " so you are gay!" A voice shouted outside. Thomas flinched and looked around. Of.fucking.course.

" Angelica just because I'm eating a banana doesn't mean I'm gay!" Thomas shouted walking to his door opening it. " what the fuck are you even doing watching me through the window?" Thomas asked angrily. " I want to see who your dating." Angelica mumbled.

" so you can what? Murder them , I can press charges against you !" Thomas rose his voice. " leave. Now " he said glaring at Angelica. With those words Angelica ran off.
Thomas sighed and walked back inside before checking his phone. Picking up his banana he ate the rest and checked his phone. ' tf just happen outside of your apartment?' James texted. ' what? ' Thomas texted back to James.

'Shit Sorry that sounded creepy , I was passing by going to Walmart when this girl screamed at your door and you walked out. '
" oh shit " Thomas cursed texting back quickly 'that chick , is Angelica, crazy ex I told you about' Thomas rolled his eyes and sat on the couch.

'Oh damn , sorry to interrupt you , bye ' Thomas sighed and turned off his phone and sighed. I don't want to date him Thomas thought. Ive only known him for about a three months maybe four... I'm not counting.Thomas paused, shit that means we have to act like a couple. Thoughts whirled in Thomas's head before dropping it all.

Thomas laid down on his couch covering his face and sighed. " I hate her..." He spit. Thoughts began to start again when one crept in. I'm bored , he thought and got up grabbing his phone again. ' do you want to come over ? ' Thomas texted to James , suddenly being swept over with nervousness.

Thomas opened the text ' sure?' James texted weirdly. ' I mean we're fake dating so why not learn more about one another for further times' Thomas put his phone down again , getting up to go change.

He put on jeans and a normal blue shirt. Yawning he walked back out to the small living room. Thomas past patiently waited on the couch checking the time. He was pulled from his thoughts when a loud knock sounded.

Thomas got off the couch and walked over to door, " hey Thomas " James said tugging on the bag that slouched across his shoulders." Hey " Thomas replied moving out of the way. James walked in pulling his sweater sleeves up.

" so why did you want me to come over again" James said awkwardly walking into the apartment. " I need to learn more about you if where going to ' date '" Thomas said sarcastically sitting in the couch again.

" oh..." James said standing off to the side "okay..." He trailed off. " stop being so awkward and sit down " Thomas rolled his eyes. James moved his bag then walked over to the couch and stiffly sat down next to Thomas. "Why are you so... Stiff ?" Thomas asked turning to look at James.

" I'm pretty socially awkward, and being invited to someone's house you've known for three months is weird to me, then having to pretend to date them " James said shifting. " well , you'll have to get use to it. Where going to spend a lot of time together " Thomas said jokingly. " shut up and just get on with the questions" James crossed his arms.

" fine mr.attitude , no need to be aggressive " Thomas paused " I get enough shit from Alexander anyway". " Alexander? As in Alexander Hamilton?" James asked. " of course Hamilton , who else is named Alexander who is the prick of the street " Thomas said.

" oh damn , I thought I got away from him" James complained. " long story short Alexander is non stop bothering me about ' oh James! You should go back home , get proper education '" James said angrily. Thomas listen to James go on and on about Alexander.

" we have something in common " Thomas said smiling. " we both hate Alexander hamil- ".
" hold up " Thomas rolled his eyes taking his phone. ' hey Thomas , I'm coming over.' Thomas wanted to scream. " shit " he cursed. "what's wrong ?" James asked. " Angelica is coming over .... She doesn't care if she gets in trouble with the police since her dad is hella rich" Thomas said loudly.

" why don't you just file a restraining order on her?" James recommend. " I don't know how , or I would've already done it". " oh , I thought you where smarter " James joked. Thomas looked at James , " you had to ? ". " sorry, I just saw the chance and thought it was a great idea" James shrugged.

" I'll be back" Thomas said walking off " I'm hiding my phone... ". " o-okay?" James said unsure. Thomas walked into his closet and hid his phone under a pile of tee shirts and sweaters. Thomas walked back to the couch and sat down next to James.

Loud knock ( arielhamiltonn  )

Thomas tensed and stood up ," sorry " he said to James walking up to the door. Thomas opend the door and cleared his throat " what do you want Angelica?" Thomas said staring at Angelica.

" I want to come over to get my stuff I left here" she hissed " then I'll leave you alone....". "What do you have here " he blocked the doorway. " I left my dress and hair brush here " she said trying to look over Thomas's shoulder." I could always get it" Thomas recommend. " Thomas just let me in" she hissed.

" fine. Come in " Thomas said letting Angelica in. She walked in then stopped dead in her tracks seeing James. " is that him?" She asked furrowing her eye brows. " yes that's James , just hurry up and get out " Thomas said putting his hands on his own hips.

James waved weirdly then looked at Thomas worried . Thomas looked at James and shrugged. Angelica gave James one last look and walked off to Thomas's room. Thomas sighed and sat on the couch again next to James. " like I said , sorry... She's insane " he hissed.

" I can tell " James said worried. " she won't hurt me?... Right ?". Thomas laughed softly "no she won't hurt you " Thomas cleared his throat and spoke loudly ...

" ...- I won't let her ".

~ word count 1148~

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