20~ 2009

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James quickly grabbed Thomas's hand , dragging him out. His lips curling in a mischievous smile , James slowed down noticing how Thomas stumbled. " I've never seen you so excited to get out " Thomas teased nudging James.

James glanced at Thomas, pouting a little," I guess the little shut in is ready to have some fun outside of the house." Thomas rose a brow , a moment later laughing softly and gripped James hand " I think I like this change. " James rolled his eyes , with a more true smile " I'm sure you'll regret that..."

Thomas glanced at James a little confused " what do-" " nothing baby , nothin' " James assured cutting off Thomas. Thomas was a little worried he must admit, but this is James , the five' four seventeen shut in , what harm could he do?
A lot
Was the answer.

As they continued down the street , Thomas couldn't help but feel uneasy. The two had ended up in the bad part of town , James hadn't felt anything , he knew he had something to keep the two safe, and was excited to do something.

That's when Thomas saw him again , the certain frenchie that enjoyed downtown New York . Lafayette, Thomas broke out in a cold sweat as they approached the other. " hey Thomas!!" Lafayette said cheerily , pretending that  nothing happened between the two.

" h-hi Lafayette..?" Thomas said a little unsure, gripping James hand in nerve. " you two know each other ?" James asked in suspicion, glancing up at Thomas. " yep~! I met Thomas a couple months. Ago." Lafayette said firmly , glancing at Thomas.

James nodded a little wearily , and Lafayette smiled again and perked up fakily " you guys should come over ... Right now!!". Thomas was going to say something but Lafayette cut in again " please? Hercules, my boyfriend , has gone out and I'm bored."

James just nodded along , making Thomas regret his life choices of leaving the house un armed , or so he thought. After a while , Lafayette had dragged the two over to their , surprisingly , big house. " welcome~ " Lafayette said , crossing they're   arms behind they're  back , pulling a small dagger from the rim of the pants.

" your house is uh... Pretty?" James glanced around , a little more astonished then admitted. " it's so grand~" Thomas was a grade A vocabulary student , he lived to use different adjectives.

" mmhm.. Yes.." Lafayette hummed, glancing at James. James looked back at Lafayette and paused , " if you uh... Don't mind telling me where's the bathroom?" James asked sheepishly.

Lafayette smiled , and his plan snapped into play " it's down the hall to your right" Lafayette said effortlessly, the words rolling off their tongue. James nodded thankfully , and hurried off , already feeling lost in the huge house.

Lafayette glared at Thomas with a smirk , not a inviting to sex smirk but a ' I might kill you ' smirk. Thomas just relized he was now left alone with the man that tried to kill him.
" Thomas , how are you doing today?"

Thomas gulped and shrugged slightly " I guess... I'm okay?" Thomas said a little unsurely. " would you follow me?" Lafayette asked , tilting his head to say me other room.
" I don't feel comfortable f-following you there " Thomas cursed at himself for stuttering.

Lafayette grew impatient, he never waited for anything in his life. Lafayette grabbed Thomas by the arm , and dragged him on. Thomas gasped softly and tried to wriggle his arm free.
" Thomas if you just stay quiet this will be easier" Lafayette huffed rolling his eyes.

Thomas stayed quiet juste as Lafayette asked, believing this would help. The two hadent traveled to far and was slightly viable from the main entrance. Tackling Thomas onto the floor , laying down on his stomach making Thomas squeak in pain.

" Thomas just stay quiet. It'll be over soon enough~" those were killing words , and Thomas tensed beyond point . Lafayette reached behind themselves and pulled out a dagger smiling , but both of them had not heard the small patter of feet.

" p-please " Thomas whimpered , trying to hit Lafayette off , bad for Thomas. , last fight he had was freshman year of high school. He shut his eyes tightly in fear.Lafayette shifted around slightly but otherwise rose the knife slightly above Thomas's throat.

Then there was a loud tearing sound of flesh as the knife struck down along Lafayette's neck. There was a heavy weight that landed onto of Thomas , letting one of his eyes peek open he gasped and pushed the lifeless body off.

James was standing above, his hands where trembling and tears ran down his face. " j-James?" Thomas stuttered standing up quickly and rushed over hugging him tightly.  " t-tom... I just killed someone..." James chocked on his tears, as they fell in greater amounts.

Thomas held James closer to his chest , reaching down and wipped the tears away from James face " t-the police won't find out.... It's only 2009....T-the system isn't that good.." Thomas murmured reassuringly to James, stroking his back gently.

" t-Thomas I'm sorry " James wept into Thomas's chest hugging onto him tighter. " I-I'm so sorry".

Sorry for the lack of updates!!! I have really bad writers block!!!!

Word count- 857

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