21- smile from ear to ear

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After that , James and Thomas had gone home. James , a blubbering mess, hunched and cuddled into Thomas' side seeking any reassurance he could get. Thomas had already told James countless times that it was ' okay' or James was just ' protecting Thomas '.
Then, all hell broke loose at the Madison resident.

~ next day~

The next morning , James had woke early due to the pain that seeped in his eyes from crying in end. Thomas was no were in sight. James could've sworn he'd fallen asleep right next to him... Maybe he went to get water?

James crawled out of the bed hesitatntly, stepping onto the floor he felt shivers run down his spine something wasn't right. At this point James had snapped into quite panic mode. Walking quickly, he rushed down the hall to see what would await him.

What had awaited him you may ask? A devastated Thomas on the floor surrounded in papers. " b-babe?" James had stuttered softly ready to approach the slouched frizzy haired man. Thomas turned only his head around, his eyes were completely blacked out , his face stretched , cut , and bruised. James in shock gasped loudly and took a couple steps back.

Letting his eyes glaze over the tormented man , when his eyes landed on a large gap of flesh torn open near the stomach. The smell that came off , what James didn't want to believe was , Thomas was pure death. The smell reached James nose , it felt as if someone had torn and punched at his stomach making him want to vomit.

Never in James life had he been so scared , taking a couple more steps back the world faded to black and reality sat in. James awoke with a gasp and eyes glassed over in fear, glancing up he saw Thomas the real Thomas. Letting out a relived sigh , James clutched onto the back of Thomas's sweater.

Taking in the sweet presence of true Thomas , slowly , his heart beat went down and he calmed. But of course, James crawled out of the bed and onto the floor. Shivers ran up his spine , just the thought of my dream was exactly like this.. Working at the back of mind.

Shakily , James took a couple fast steps to the hallway in slight fear. Glancing down the dark hallway , there was no light at all. He knew that the light switch was at the other end of the hallway, James took a run for it.

Running down the dark hallway in fright , he switched the light on and let out a sigh softly. James had looked down to the kitchen , something was off , walking up to the kitchen he flicked on another light and there it was.
Papers covered the kitchen floor , all saying the Same thing over and over. The words ' smile from ear to ear  ' littered the floor. James felt a pang of nerve run through him , someone had broke into my house , and put these all down.

James quickly looked back to the hallway and ran back to Thomas in a frantic manner. " t-tom " James stuttered climbing into the bed shaking Thomas. With no avail , thomas laid still, the soft rise and fall of his chest showing he was indeed alive.

James somehow got Thomas to roll over so his face was exposed. No the words rang in James mind, noticing small and thin lines of cuts that lined from Thomas' mouth to the corners of his face. Smile from ear to ear , James remembered from the papers this is what they meant.

... Who broke into my house , cut my boyfriends face , and wrote smile from ear to ear several times?.
Then it hit James , Thomas isn't waking up because he had been drugged. Put to sleep , at this point James couldn't tell if he should break down , call the police , or just go back to sleep.

James decided that sleep it off was a great option, who needed to go re lock their doors anyway right? James sighed and shook his head , climbing back in next to Thomas. Wrapping his arms around the limp and sleeping man, you'll be okay tom... I promise....

James let his eyes close as he took a deep breath , hugging closer to Thomas trying to comfort himself in the complete  silence.

Smile from ear to ear

Hey hey hey!!!!
I still have like no motivation?? To write?? But I'm trying my best to update from time to time and I'm also trying to find a way to get to the end of this book
I've ranted enough and this is a short chapter so sorry?!!!!
Word count- 773

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