Chapter 5

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I was bought back to my senses by a voice announcing the boarding of our plane. I saw Julian smiling at me sadly. No doubt I had a wistful look on my face as I remembered my parents and my brother. Julian helped me up to my feet and both of us walked towards the boarding gate.

15 minutes later we were sitting in our seats on the aircraft. I had 9 hours to kill. I thought I should catch up on my sleep. Julian said “Alexis you should go to sleep. You woke up early today and no doubt you slept late yesterday with Allison.” I laughed and agreed with him. When the plane took off I fell asleep and no doubt I slept like a log.

I was so exhausted and for once when I slept I had no dreams. Minutes later, or so it seemed, I was being shaken awake by Julian. I groggily opened my eyes and saw him smiling at me. “Wake up sleeping beauty. We’re here.” He said. If the seatbelt hadn’t been there I would have jumped out of the seat and raced down the hall. He laughed at the excited look on my face and laughed. “We’re not there yet. We land in 5 minutes. Relax.”

My face fell and I pouted. “Well, you could have let me sleep 5 minutes longer. I was sleepy.” “You slept close to 8 and half hours. How much more do you want to sleep?” I shrugged and replied “5 more minutes.” He shook his head and said “You, Alexis Welsh, are as stubborn as a mule.”

“Alexis Conn......” I was about to correct him when I remembered they had not been my parents and I felt a terrible ache in my heart for my parents. I didn’t know which ones though. I was confused. Julian smiled ruefully. “I know what I’m talking about, Alexis Welsh.” I smiled sadly fiddling with the buckle on the seat.

The plane landed late in the night and we got off. We walked into the airport and collected our bags. I nearly forgot my backpack on the conveyor belt. We were leaving when I realized I had not written anything in my diary and that’s when I realized that the diary was in the backpack and the backpack was not with me. So Julian had to go back and wait 5 minute for the backpack to come back on the conveyor belt and get the bag.

He came back and we left the airport. We took a cab to Park Avenue and 22nd street. We got off at a building called Gramercy Place. We walked into the huge lobby and my mouth fell open. It gave a new meaning to huge. It had a fireplace. It had a red carpet over the floor which was as soft as cotton.

We walked into the lift and the building had 27 stories including a swimming pool. Awesome I love swimming. Julian walked into the lift after me and pressed the button for the 25th floor. “25th  floor. No! I’m afraid of heights. I’m not going up.” I said backing out of the lift. Julian frowned and said “Come on Alexis. We’ve got to go up. Karen and Max are waiting. Come on.” “No. I’m not going up.” I said.

Julian said “Alexis, don’t you want to meet your brother? And your aunt?” “My Aunt” I said. “”Yes, your aunt. Karen. My wife.” He said. “Your wife? My aunt is your wife. So then you are my uncle.”  I replied, shocked. “Yes. Didn’t I tell you? I’m your uncle. Your mother was my cousin. I introduced her to Michael and he introduced me to his sister Karen.” “OK! You’re my uncle.” I replied. “Yes. I’m your uncle now can we please hurry up and go. Apparently Max is super excited to see you.” On hearing Max’s name I tried to get over my fear and I stepped into the lift. “That’s my girl.” Julian smiled encouragingly.

The lift reached the 25th floor and I was nearly jumping up and down. I was so excited to see Max. We walked out of the lift into a long corridor. There were around 5 houses on the floor. We walked to 2501. Before Julian knocked on the door I heard a boy saying “She has to know. We have to tell her.” A woman replied “We will tell her Max, just not right now. She will already be sad finding out about her adopted parents and this will just rattle.......” Then Julian knocked on the door. The door opened and a boy was standing there. Max.


Authors note: yaaayyyy! so we are gonna meet Max now! :) Are you excited to see what happens next? I am :P So the next update will be most probably within 48 hours. Sorry if this chapter is too short, I actually wanted to introduce Max in a new chapter. :)

So as always please comment,vote and follow(it seriously means a lot to me and i would love it if you left me some comments)

Thanks and have a great day!! :)


Anushka :D

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