chapter 12

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The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was orange. I was puzzled. Last time I checked, my room was blue so what happened? when I sat up in my bed I realized that the orange was sunlight streaming into my room through the window. Oh wait, my room doesn't have a window. I examined the room and realized that the light did not have a source. It was everywhere. I looked at the clock on my bedside table and groaned when I saw the time. It was 3 AM in the morning. It was probably the jet lag but it could also be because I had slept in the afternoon. 

I suddenly felt thirsty and got out of bed and walked to the kitchen before realizing that there was nothing representing a kitchen in the house. I wished for a glass of water and a short while later a glass and a jug of water appeared on the table. I drank the water and turned to go back into my room. But then I realized that I wasn't sleepy. Then I walked to my room and picked up my phone wanting to listen to 1D songs (those always cheer me up) but  I saw that my phone was about to run out of battery. I plugged it in and went into the game room to play a game.I got there and opened the door. when I walked in I saw a silhouette on the floor. I cautiously switched on the light and saw that it was just Max. when I switched on the light he turned to look at me.Seeing that it was just me he relaxed andd asked "Hey. couldn't sleep?"

I shook my head and sat on the floor beside him leaning against a bean-bag. He smiled at me and showed me what he was doing. There was a flat piece of cardboard on the floor and arranged on it were pictures of my mom and dad. I picked it up and smiled at a picture of my mom and dad smiling at each other. Then there was a picture in which my mom was in the hospital bed with me and Max in her arms..

"It's beautiful." I said staring at the collage. he  murmured a thanks to me and took it from my hand and sat staring at it with a wistful look in his eyes. Then he wiped his eyes and putting down the collage he turned to look at me and smiled. "Sorry about that I was a bit emotional after getting that ring."  Extending his hand he showed me the ring on his Index finger. I gave him a small hug and said "It's cool." I looked around the room having nothing more to do and my eyes fell upon his phone.

Extending my hand towards his phone I asked "May I?" he nodded and I switched it on. It had a password on it. I decided to take a wild guess at the lock. I typed in Alexis and to my surprise his phone actually unlocked. I looked at him and found him looking at me with a slight smile in his face. "Your password is my name?" he shrugged and replied "I wanted an easy password, something I would remember easily and I came up with your name since you mean the most to me."  I looked at him and for the first time I realized that he was going to be there for me no matter what and I was really grateful for that. Hopefully, I could do the same for him.

I looked back at his phone and saw that his wallpaper was a clock. Perturbed  I looked at him. "Why is your wallpare a clock." "It's a clock to symbolize how fast time goes by and that you never how much time you have with someone that's why you should enjoy every minute of your life. They say that you never know what you have until you lose it. I suppose it''s true." When he finished I just stared at him, dumb-struck. "Are you always this thoughtful and deep or is today a special day?"

I shook my head and opening his camera I took a picture of the two of us and made that his wallpaper. "see that looks much better." I said showing him his phone. "Yeah it does. Thanks." Giving him a thumbs-up I opened his gallery. It was filled with pictures of our parents. There were only three pictures that were not my parents. The one I clicked right now, a picture of me as a baby and a picture of Karen and Julian.

"Max you are a lost cause. Holding on to them like that is only going to make it harder for you. You have to move on. If you keep acting like this it'sonly gonna make me and you a lot sadder.You'll never be able to look at his picture without crying. Besides Mom is coming in just a few hours. we're gonna meet her. Finally." I said looking at him. He did look a bit sad but then he sighed and said "You're right." "Course I am. It's me you're are talking to. Remember." he chuckled and said "Really? I mean, could you be any more pompous?" I laughed and said "yes." He just shook his head and looked down at his ring, twisting it on his finger.

Then he stood up and said "let's play a game." He walked to the cupboard, opened it and took out a game called 'SEQUENCE.' "It's a really fun game" he stated. He opened the game box and i saw that the game board had all the playing cards printed on it . There were 3 pouches with green,blue and red coins in them. 

He launched into an explanation of the game, which was very complex. When I started acting like an idiot and refused to understand the rules. he said " let;s just start playing. You'll understand it as we play." And so we started playing. After a while, i started to understand the game and we ended up playing for over an hour. We were still playing when i started to feel sleepy again. I yawned and looked at the time. The digital clock on Max's phone read 4:13 am. I got up,stretched and said "I'm going to bed. It's late and I'm tired." He stood up and said "at least help me pack up." I wasn't feeling particularly mischievous so I sighed and bent down to help him back up the board and game pieces. After sorting out the coins and putting them back in their respective pouches, I chucked them across the room to him. He caught two of them but the last one hit him in his stomach. "OW" he yelled. I shushed him "You'll wake Julian and Karen" "Sorry, But that was hard, those coins aren't cotton you know", he grumbled. "Fine, sorry but its not my fault you can't catch a small pouch" I replied cheekily. I waved at him as I walked back to my room and he grudgingly smiled back and I knew he had forgiven me.

I walked into my room and saw that my phone was charged at 80% . I sighed and fell on my bed and closed my eyes for a second, not knowing when i drifted off to sleep, only to bee awakened by Karen around 4 hours later. "Rise and shine,sweetheart." I groaned and sat up yawning and rubbing my eyes. I unplugged my phone and went for a shower. I came out 15 minutes later, pulling my blonde hair into a ponytail. I wore black tracks and a grey Tshirt saying 'You can Blink now ;)' . I walked out and sat on the sofa,scrolling through my playlist. I really needed to get more songs, and maybe some songs that weren't 1D's. "Good Morning," a voice called. I looked up to see Max coming out of his room zipping up his jacket. I returned the greeting as he sat on the sofa too. I opened the app store and downloaded Subway Surfer and played for a while when it did get downloaded. Then Kren came in and called us for breakfast. As we were wolfing down the Delicious pancakes she had made she informed us that since we weren't going to go out that day, we could do something fun at home. " cool", i replied, smiling at her.

After breakfast, Max and and I went to the gaming room. I said. "Let's watch a movie." "Alright,which one?' he asked me. I thought for a while and suddenly yelled " NOW YOU SEE ME". I has seen the Promo on TV and it seemed really awesome. Max said " I wish for a DVD of Now You See Me, some soda and popcorn" and in about 10 minutes we had everything we wanted. We sat and watched the movie on the projector and I really loved the movie and learnt many of the dialogues by- heart ; something that annoyed Max beacuse I kept quoting the movie. We walked out of the room, with me annoying Max and him laughing at me.

We went out into the living room and I sat on the couch. Max sat down beside me and said "It was a nice movie. It was quite clever." "Hmmmm. It was nice." I replied. then just because I felt like annoying him I quoted another dialogue from the movie. He yelled "Alexis, shut up." I was going to reply when the doorbell rang. shaking his head Max went to the door and opened it. When he opened the door the smile drained from his face. Surprised I went to the door and saw Who it was.

It was my mother.


HELLO GUYS! YES THATS RIGHT                                                                                                                        I'M STILL ALIVE :p

I AM SO SO SO SORRY...its just that nowadays i cant think of wha to write and im totally working on it so i hope the next update will be this year. (* Lame new year joke)

that reminds me HAPPY NEW YEAR PEEPS

Also note that they can do magic and just wish for things they need so they dont really have a kitchen.Thats also the cause of the orange light in Alexis's room. Sorry if those parts confused you :P

pleasepleaseplease read, tell your friends and comment :D

And if you are following my story and reading, i seriously love you and im really,really grateful!!!!

Cheers, Have a nice day :)

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