Chapter 16

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The next day I was sitting in my room with my mom trying to relax which, let me tell you, is not easy after fighting a monster twice my size, but I gave it my best shot. Something occurred to me, I turned to Mom and asked her “Mom how can we do magic? How do we have the capacity for magic?”

My mom sighed and said “It’s a long story.”

“I’m not going anywhere.”

“One thing you must know is that we are not from this planet.” My mom said. I looked at her sceptically and said “So what? We’re from the moon?” “Precisely.” She said. “What? That’s not possible.” “Our ancestors sent us here.”

“A long time ago there was life on the moon. These creatures looked exactly like humans, the inhabitants of the earth. These creatures had very strong minds. Many aeons ago these creatures learnt how to control the elements. That was how magic was discovered. Every once in a while a child was born who was stronger than three adults put together. These children were capable of doing anything. They could summon not only elements but pretty much anything they wanted. These children’s were capable of summoning earthquakes, volcanoes and storms which was outside the abilities of even the strongest of adults.”

“Naturally these special kids were kept under strict supervision, even as kids. The children having grown up in captivity had no idea what freedom was like but one day they realised that there was no reason for their confinement. Their anger was fully justified. They were being forced to live as prisoners simply because they had been born special. They were held prisoners simply because they were stronger than others.”

“Their combined anger was enough to free them from their hated prisons. Once they were free their anger was unstoppable, their wrath unparalleled. In the days that followed these children let themselves go. Earthquakes, raging fires, mountains erupted. They did not stop till everyone was killed. Some people escaped and hid among humans.”

“But these people were not entirely ruthless. The young of their kind were sent to earth away from the death. Only when there was no life left on the moon did they stop to survey the damage. There were large craters on the moon where earlier lakes, oceans and mountains had been. Their anger was fading and the despair was catching up to them. When they saw the death and the carnage they had caused they came to a conclusion.”

“They decided to spill their blood on the moon to purify their souls and the surface of the moon. Their blood coloured the moon. Every Lunar eclipse the moon turns red to remind us of the anger and the despair our ancestors felt and their sacrifice. That moon is called the red moon or the blood moon.” My mom finished.

“Our ancestors as in.........” I said. “Yes. We are descended from those people. My great-grandfather was sent to the earth from the moon as a baby. You and Max are more powerful than me or your father or Julian because you are born to two such people. Mine and your father’s strength runs in your veins.”

I didn’t know what to say. In normal circumstances I would have called Allison but I didn’t know how I was supposed to tell her this. I could hardly call and say “You know what? I’m an alien. My ancestors came from the moon.” She would probably think I had lost it and give me the number for the nearest mental asylum. Though technically she wouldn’t know any mental asylum’s in New York since she was in London. I really should stop contradicting myself and focus on trying to believe what my mom just told me.

WHAT????? We came from the moon?”  Max yelled in my mind so loudly that I fell of the bed in surprise. “We didn’t, our ancestors did. And I would really appreciate you keeping your voice down when you are talking in my mind.” I replied calmly, as if there was no earthly, or rather, moonly reason why my ancestors couldn’t be aliens from the moon.

Meanwhile my mother was looking down at me with a worried expression on her face. “What’s wrong?” she asked. “Max heard you telling me all this through our mental link and he yelled in my mind.” I said as I rubbed the hand I had pushed out to break my fall. It was sore.

“Oh okay. I wondered what you were upto when you fell of the bed.” My mom said. Max ran into my room and said “My great, great whatever grandparents came from the MOON?” He yelled. “Yeah why don’t you yell a little louder, people on the moon  didn’t hear you yet.” I grumbled, purposely using the word 'moon' to rile him up more.

“Yeah don’t fight.” My mom intervened. That was just as well because the last we had a fight we had nearly destroyed the building. It’s a long story and trust me you don’t want to know what happens when 2 powerful magicians start blasting each other with stuff.

Before any of us could reply the doorbell rang and Julian called “It’s for you Alexis.”

Puzzled I looked at my mom and saw that there was a mischievous glint in her eyes. “Were we expecting someone?” I asked. “Why don’t you go see?” My mom said. Max looked just as perplexed as me. I walked out of the door and went out, Max and my mom right behind me.

When I saw who was at the door my mouth dropped open in shock.

Standing at the door, in flesh and blood, was Allison.

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