Chapter 6: A cavern of sin

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"Und-" Error started, but before he could finish, Fresh grabbed his shoulders and pulled him close, staring deep into his eyes.

"Bro." Fresh spoke, his expression dead serious. "Listen bro. I know exactly what universe we gotta destroy."

Error glared at him, trying to pull away. "Let go of me."

Fresh ignored him, putting his arm around Error's shoulder and getting extremely close to his face, causing Error to blush a bit. "You've gotta listen to me dude. I ain't a big fan of destroying universes, but this abomination needs to be eradicated."

"Uh...what universe is it?" Error asked in confusion.

"Underlust." Fresh hissed, contempt clear in his voice.

Error just stared at him for a few moments before bursting into laughter. "Underlust? Seriously?"

Fresh frowned, pulling away. "Yo, this is some serious sicknasty business! Underlust is a cavern of sin. That place needs to be destroyed!"

After a bit, Error finally recovered from his laughing fit, still snickering to himself. "Wow. You're ridiculous." Error put his hands in his pockets with a sigh. "You're right though. Underlust is a pretty big abomination. I should've destroyed it long ago."

Fresh looked at him in confusion. "Then why didn't you, brah?"

Error blushed, clearing his throat awkwardly. "Er...nevermind that." He opened up a portal. "Let's just destroy this place."

Fresh stared at him with narrowed eyes before deciding to drop the subject, shrugging. "Heh, alright. Let's skedaddle."

"Alright. So-" Error froze as he felt something grab his hand, turning around slowly with narrowed eyes.

Fresh was grinning widely, his hand holding onto Error's. "What is it, bro?"

Error just glared at him. "Off."

Fresh frowned. "Aw, come on! What if I get lost or somethin? You don't wanna be responsible for losing your new best bro, do ya?"

"We both know you can handle yourself. Now let go." Error growled.

Fresh shrugged, finally letting go of Error's hand. "Fine then. Jeez. No need to be rude, dude."

Error rolled his eyes, putting his hands back in his pockets before stepping through. The bitter cold of Snowdin hit him immediately and he grimaced a bit as he looked around, pulling the jacket around him tighter. There weren't any monsters in sight, but he knew they would have to be careful anyways. Underlust wasn't dangerous in the way most universes were, but the monsters here still knew how to fight (more or less).

Fresh rolled up next to him, a multicolored skateboard under his feet and a scowl on his face as he looked around. "Man, this place is awful." He skated up ahead.

Error wondered how the parasite was even skating in a snowy forest, but he decided not to question it. Fresh was Fresh after all. He had a way with doing ridiculous and improbable things. Error followed after him. "Keep an eye out for the kiddo and the flower. We need to go after them first. That way we don't have to worry about resets. Kill the flower, take the human soul, and then we can move on to the rest."

Fresh nodded, but didn't look like he was paying too much attention. "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, brah." Suddenly, Fresh stopped, making a look of disgust. "Ugh, gross... You hear that?"

Error stopped, listening to the sound of the wind, the animals in the forest, and the- His eyes widened and he blushed bright blue. Those weren't animal noises. "Oh..."

Fresh sighed. "This place is disgusting..." He growled.

Error laughed at Fresh's reaction. "What are you, five? You act like a kindergartener that thinks cooties actually exist."

"Cooties are a serious issue, yo!" Fresh argued, adjusting his hat with a frown. "Besides, the whole way you people with bodies reproduce is...really friggin gross... Like, how does it even work, yo!? Why do you need two people!? Why does glow!?"

Error stared at him for a moment before bursting into another fit of laughter. "You seriously don't know how it works!?"

Fresh crossed his arms with a huff. "It's confusing, alright? Just sayin, dawg. Parasites are a lot simpler. You see, when a parasite-"

" I do not need to know that." Error interupted him, looking at him in disgust. "I'm sure it's much grosser."

Fresh rolled his eyes. "Whatever, dude. Don't be a baby. It's the circle of life, man."

Error rolled his eyes and walked over to the bushes where the noises were coming from. He quickly summoned a large black gaster blaster and fired at the people doing their sinful deeds, burning them to a crisp. He walked back over to Fresh, wiping dust and blood from his jacket, a bright red soul held in his hand. "Welp, Frisk and Flowey are dead. You do not want to know what they were doing."

"Gross..." Fresh grumbled in disgust before grinning. " we can just kill whoever we want?"

Error grinned widely as well, an evil look in his eyes. "Hell yeah."

(A/N: Thank you so much to all those that liked and commented. It really means a lot. Also, thanks to @rainbowawsome , @EnderSlayer_01 , and @MelodyBeats87 for suggesting Underlust as the universe they should destroy. Sorry, InkySans , but if it makes you feel better, Ink is definitely gonna show up in the future.)

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