Chapter 21: Family

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Surprisingly enough...Error had actually been right in his assumption. Despite his previous worries, the moving process went much quicker than expected and the glitched skeleton was still in shock over how smoothly the task was actually going.

Alphys and Undyne's help turned out to be invaluable in the end. Alphys easily lifted up most of the furniture on her own, carrying it into the house like each couch or bedframe was as light as her war-weary battleaxes. And although she mostly watched from the sidelines and occasionally helped with smaller boxes, Undyne's curious but silent observations of the two AU Sans's slowly turned into polite inquiries about the nature of the multiverse, and Error and Fresh's awkward answers led to some interesting conversation, which lightened the mood quite a bit. With all that, (not to mention Blue and Chara's contagious enthusiasm) it wasn't long before Error felt...surprisingly comfortable around all of them.

It was strange. Error had spent most of his life in isolation, trapped in an empty void for years upon years. He didn't get the chance to gossip about the crazy AU's he'd seen, or rant about the latest happenings of Undernovella, or make dumb jokes and puns about things that weren't all that funny and, when he did, it was...usually under awkward and murderous situations...

...Or with the voices.

And speaking of the voices, since leaving the anti-void, he hadn't actually...heard a lot from them, which was another strange thing he would have to get used to. They were still there of course, but they felt so much less...real. Instead of the loud cacophonous  noise they had once been, they had slowly faded until they were nothing more than a quiet murmuring in the back of his mind, only understandable when he actually listened for them.

It filled him with a sense of uncertainty, and even a bit of loneliness when he thought about it. Most of his life, the voices had been asking him questions or telling him what to do, and for them to be gone now, only a quiet whisper he could barely hear, felt a little...wrong.

But he wasn't worried about that now. He didn't feel lonely right now with all these real voices, real people around him. The atmosphere was light and joyful as they slowly unloaded the moving truck, and somehow, watching these swapped, alternate versions of his friends laughing, watching Fresh get along almost immediately with Alphys' determination, watching these copies of people he'd killed countless times treat him like he wasn't some filthy glitch even after knowing what he'd done, treating him like he was

It made him feel like he was home.

Home wasn't a word he'd thought of in a long time. The anti-void wasn't a home, it was a prison and after a while, it became a place of hiding, of solitude after his murderous escapades to other dimensions. He couldn't even remember his original timeline, and, well...from the few broken things he could remember from couldn't have very well been a home either...

Not if he'd.......


But now, he had a home. He had friends, he had a boyfriend, and he realized...he had a family in some weird way.

Because as it turns out, a family isn't just a mother, a father and their children. A family can be a universe destroying glitch with anger issues, his annoying 90's parasite boyfriend, their cheerful alternate universe self, his pun hating brother, the anime obsessed lesbian aunts, a DJ robot, and their adopted, murderous, time controlling demon child. And despite how ridiculous it felt right.

This felt right.

And he found that, for the first time in a long, long time, he was happy.

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