Chapter 20: A Fish and a Lizard Meet Two Universe Destroying Skeletons.

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Alphys had seen a lot of things in the Underground during all her years as head of the royal guard. A ridiculous number of drunken fights having to be broken up at Muffet's, crazed fans at Napstabot shows, previous human children scared of the unknown and armed with deadly weapons, a strange grey door in Waterfall that led to an empty room, some really weird anime that Undyne had tried to show her called "Boku no Pico", and much more. She had witnessed a lot of crazy things, but...none of that compared to...whatever this was.

When Papyrus had called her up for help with an "emergency", she wasn't sure what she expected it to be. Maybe something a little bit more usual of the brother's shenanigans like a cooking disaster erupting into flames, a puzzle malfunction, or Chara going into one of their crazy sugar highs and destroying half of the town. And although Alphys and Undyne passed quite few fallen down trees on their way to the brother's house, they didn't expect that Chara hadn't been the one that had caused them, or that the brother's shenanigans weren't at play at all.

Well, at least...sort of...

Because as soon as they arrived at the house in Snowdin, they were greeted by not two, but four skeletons. The tall Papyrus, wearing an orange jacket and smoking a cigarette, the starry eyed Sans, wearing his "battle body" and looking as excited to see her as ever, and...another Sans, wearing awful clothes and shades that said...YOLO? Not to mention the...third Sans (???) that was standing next to them, who barely even looked like Sans thanks to his dark appearance and the strange glitches around his form.

Alphys stared for a very, very long time, and then she looked over at Papyrus.

"It's a long story." The skeleton sighed, looking very tired. Before she could ask any more though, the colorful stranger was in front of her, beaming wide.

"Yo, yo, yo, my dynamite dino, how goes this funkalicious day?" The YOLO Sans greeted her enthusiastically, grabbing the warrior's hand and shaking it vigorously as he grinned from ear to ear (metaphorically of course since skeletons didn't have ears). Alphys, still very confused, shook his hand in return as she looked over to Undyne, whom she had invited to accompany her just in case and who was standing next to her looking just as shocked by the turn of events.

This was...very strange. Definitely not something either of them had seen before... The two skeletons were exact copies of Sans in everything but personality and outfit, but...Sans and Papyrus didn't have any other brothers as far as they knew... And the similarities were too weirdly similar...

"U-uh... Papyrus, w-what's...uh...going on here...?" Undyne asked, adjusting her glasses awkwardly before turning to the taller skeleton. "Alphys told me th-that there was...some sort of...emergency that you needed help with? And uh, who are these" The YOLO Sans, seemingly satisfied with his introduction to Alphys, bounded over and shook her hand suddenly and enthusiastically. Undyne stared at him for a long moment, uncomfortable with the very long and vigorous handshake. "...skeletons?"

"I'm Fresh, yo! Nice to meet you!" The skeleton explained cheerfully before letting go of her hand and running over to the glitching skeleton, wrapping his arms around him and with a smile. "And this is my blackberry bae, Error. He's totes a grump, but I love 'im anyways~"

Error blushed a bright blue color and tried to squirm out of the other's grasp, but after an unsuccessful attempt at escape, just sighed and accepted it. "You don't have to introduce me like that every single time we meet a new person, Fresh." He grumbled.

Fresh only laughed in response. "Aww, don't sweat it, bro! I don't mind physical contact."

Error looked like he was about to say something in response, but gave up, letting out a loud sigh of resignation and allowing Fresh to continue cuddling against him.

Sans watched the two skeletons in amusement, chuckling at the scene before looking back to Alphys and Undyne with a cheery grin. "They're the friends from an alternate universe that I told you about, and they're gonna be moving into Snowdin!" He explained excitedly. "They bought the house and furniture and everything, they just need some help moving things in. Do you think you guys can help? The sansational Sans would be very grateful!"

Alphys and Undyne were silent for a very long period of time before glancing over at each other uncertainly. It was true that a few weeks before, Sans had laid out the long story of his adventure through the parallel dimensions to anyone who would listen, which definitely included the anime-obsessed couple. He mentioned every detail, the Spanish soap operas, the voices, the sudden appearance of the soul-eating Fresh parasite, everything. However, the short skeleton (despite being the older of the two brothers) did have a childish demeanor and an overactive imagination at times, and even though they listened to the tall tale, they didn't think it was...y'know...real...

Undyne's fins flattened against the sides of her head and she fidgeted nervously, her eyes turning their point of focus towards the ground. "Uh...w-well..." She started, looking uncomfortable with the prospect, but she was quickly interrupted by a sudden bark of laughter from Alphys.

The yellow dinosaur had gotten over her uncertainty as quickly as she got over most things. A sharp toothed grin was now present on her scarred face and a passionate gleam twinkled in her eyes, her tail wagging behind her like an excited dog. "Lifting heavy objects all day? Count us in, punks!" The captain of the royal guard shouted enthusiastically, emphasizing her point by picking up the largest rock she could find nearby and lifting it high above her head before throwing it as far as possible into the distance.

Undyne watched with wide eyes as the boulder flew far into the horizon before disappearing into the treeline. Then the fish monster looked back at the exhilarated Alphys with a bright red blush, still fidgeting a bit. "Uhhh...y-yeah, okay! That would be nice."

Sans rolled his eyes at that, smiling at the obvious shipping prospects between the two (perhaps he could write some fanfiction later?) before he turned excitedly towards the rest of his mismatched family, a grin on his face and stars in his eyes. "Come on then everyone! I'm sure this will be magnificent!"

Error cringed visibly at Blueberry's exclamation, looking less than excited for the idea. But as Blue and Alphys cheered in unison he felt the comforting squeeze of Fresh hugging him tight and, after a glance at the 90's themed parasite, Error realized it might not be all that bad after all.

(A/N: Hey guys!!! okay there's not really an excuse for how long I've kept you guys waiting, but the truth is, I've mostly fallen out of the Undertale fandom... I've gotten into many different fandoms in my absence, a narrative based DnD podcast called The Adventure Zone, a lets play channel called Polygon and the many story-driven shows on there like Car Boys, Monster Factory, and Law Abiding Citizen, an anime called Boku No Hero Acedemia, the TV adaption of Game of Thrones, and a lot of other things. Not to mention it's my senior year of High School (weird right?). My point is, Undertale doesn't have the same spark it once did, but...
...I won't leave this story unfinished, I can promise you that. Even if it takes forever, I'll give you a conclusion. This is probably the most popular story I've ever written (even if it's not my best) and when I have so much planned for the ending, I just can't leave you hanging. And so...there's only a few more chapters left until the multi-part finale. But yeah. Good ending, bad ending, I have most of that already written and most of the next chapter written too. I hope you guys will enjoy it and I hope not too many people have fallen out of this book's viewership while I've been gone! I'll leave you all with this, and a simple farewell. See ya soon hopefully!

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