no more love.

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"i honestly thought it was going to last," she said, "but it was two o'clock in the morning and i knew that he had had enough. i knew that my mental illness and the way i constantly tore myself apart pissed him off and i tried so hard to better myself; i swear to god i did. But no matter how many counselors i went through or how many hours i sat in front of that mirror trying to convince myself that i was beautiful and nothing was wrong with me; i knew it would never be enough. i knew that i could never get to the place where he wanted me to be. and slowly the things he thought he loved about me became the things he hated about me, and i watched him start to drift, and  i tried to pull him back to me but every tug in my direction became a shove in the opposite. and suddenly the string holding us together was pulled too tight and snapped, and i watched him leave and forget that i was ever a part of his life."

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