Chapter 7

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(Mel's P.O.V)

When I woke up the next morning the doctor said the x-rays were ready but that I needed to eat something first and let me just tell you I didn't complain. I was starving from not having eaten since I woke up yesterday afternoon and now it was morning and I could see the sun. I was giddy with happiness, pain too, but mostly happiness.

Once of was finished with breakfast the x-Ray took forever since they were doing a full body x-Ray. When they were done the doctor said that I had 8 broken bones that hadn't healed properly and currently 3 broken ribs that I would have to keep bandaged for a while.

After that they said I could check out and that if any thing was wrong at all to come back at mediately. And with that we went home.

"Are you ok honey?" My mom asked with a worried expression when she looked in the back seat of the car. "Yeah mom I'm fine just thinking"I answered back."we'll watcha thinking about?"my dad asked trying to make conversation."what am I gonna do when I see my friends and what about school? And I need new clothes to I'm not 9 anymore. Also my room..."I was rambling so my dad cut me off"your friends will be thrilled to see you. You were a few grades ahead 3 years ago anyway. Your mom and you will go clothes shopping later today and we didn't touch your room."I sighed and we rode in comfortable silence the rest of the way.

When we got to our house in the poorer part of Gotham I realized "who paid my medical bills?" I questioned as far as I knew my mom was still a waitress and my dad was still cooking for a upper class restaurant, and not to mention probably still smoking and dealing and drinking. They looked at me and my mom said the last name I would have expected "Bruce Wayne."

"No way"I said in disbelief. "He saw the report on television and called the hospital and said he would pay for our expenses" my dad answered back. We got out of the car and walked into our tiny old apartment building that as I remembered reeked of smoke and up to our apartment and when we got to the right floor I had a surprise waiting for me.

"MEL, oh my gosh it is you I saw you on the news but I didn't believe it was you until now!" My best friend exclaimed while bear hugging me.

"Ana!" I gasped hugging her back, tears running down our faces from happiness, disbelief , and in my case...pain."I missed you so much and I want to keep hugging you...but...ribs please." she gasped and let go.My parents had unlocked the door and were watching our encounter from the door and moved to let us through as I pulled Ana in. We sat down on the coach and I couldn't help hugging her again softer this time. At the moment I didn't care what my parents were doing or the fact that both me and Ana's shirts were soaked with each others tears. I was just so relieved to see my best friend after not seeing her for three years.

After about a minute of hugging and sobbing my dad cleared his throat to get our attention we looked up and he was standing across the coffee table from us with my mom next him and a box of tissues in her hands. She set in down in front of us and we both took a handful and blew our noses simultaneously, we both  finished and looked up and burst out laughing.

"Man you guys are still in sync on ever the grosses things."my dad said disgusted my mom holding a trash can for us to throw away our tissues. We threw them away and before I could say any thing my mom beat me too it.

"Ana we have too go shopping for some clothes now that Mel is back do you want to come with us?" She didn't even hesitate, so while we did that dad would be at work then we would all come home for dinner.

We did some shopping had lunch out then did more shopping. Ana went home, we had dinner and i went to sleep in my own bed thinking We definitely need to re-decorate in here. Only then did I not realize that my night was to be filled with memories and nightmares.


OMG IT TOOK ME TWO WEEKS TO WRITE THIS CHAPTER AND ITS JUST A FILLER CHAPTER NOTHING IMPORTANT HAPPENS YET THAT YOUR SUPPOSED TO KNOW something does happen in this chapter but that's for later. I have big plans for this story so yay!!!!

I'll try to update next week but no promises.

hope you liked it bye!

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