Chapter 6

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(Robin's P.O.V)

When batman told me to stay in the batmobile I argued but he won and it was the longest 8 and a half minutes of my life. When he got back I gave him the stink eye and he just glared before sighing.

"Does it make you feel better that that's not the last we will be seeing of her she could be a useful addition to the team her and at the cave."he said while starting to drive away."and I gave her a communicator just in case the joker tries something."we both knew he would so he didn't have to say that part but I was excited about what he said before so I relied"really?!"

Batman looked at me and said "does a little birdie have a crush?" I blushed and he noticed. He had a hint of a smile on his face but said nothing and kept driving. When we got back to the batcave Alfred met us there and said "Master Bruce, Master Dick I think you need to turn on the news." Bruce pulled it up on the computer "and in other breaking news back from the dead? The miracle that a cured earlier tonight. Now 12 year old Mel Brown was presumed dead three years ago, when the case went cold they closed it last year but earlier tonight she was brought straight into the front door of GCPD by Gotham's very on vigilante The dark knight himself the batman. Mel is said to be in medical care now stay tuned as the story develops."

"Wow news travels fast" I stated bluntly. Batman had taken of his cowl and I had taken of my mask so Bruce was able to look me in the eye when told me "you have two choices talk over this with the team now or get sleep now and wait till tomorrow she's your mystery girl so it's your choice." I was surprised he gave me a choice but I responded calmly with "sleep cause we all have school tomorrow" Bruce just looked at me and said "goodnight Dick""night Bruce"

And with a that I went upstairs changed and brushed my teeth then collapsed on my bed hoping Mel would be ok.

Ok I have a little bit of a crush.


Mel and Dick sittin in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!

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