Chapter 11

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(Mel's P.O.V)

When I woke up I had to take a second to remember what happened and when I did I had tears streaming down my face again. Though when I actually opened my eyes I was in an unfamiliar room in and unfamiliar bed, I then remembered Bruce and Dick and falling asleep in Dick's arms.

As if on cue someone knocked on my door, and Dick and Bruce walked in. They looked at me and saw I had tears streaming down my cheeks again, so Bruce picked my up and hugged me again and let me sob into his neck. I felt him sit down on the bed with me in his lap. After I cried a little longer while he just soothingly rubbed my back, he let me go to look at me and asked, "Do you want to come down and eat? Alfred finished breakfast right before we came in." I just nodded.

Bruce set me on the floor and Dick came over and hugged, afterwards wrapping an arm around my waist and leading me down stairs. I could tell we were close to the kitchen when I started smelling the aroma of eggs and bacon and pancakes. We walked into the kitchen were Alfred was cooking so we went and sat at the kitchen island in the middle of the large room. I'm somewhat short so it took me a second to get in the stool but when I had settled Alfred had set down a plate of eggs bacon and pancakes in front of me. As upset as I was I was still really hungry, so I ate it right up. That kept me distracted for a minute but when I was done I felt the wave of emotions hit me like a tsunami again. I felt like a baby, I was crying so much, but I really didn't care, I was gone for 3 years then got back to my family only for them to be taken from me. Except this time, I wouldn't see them ever again. Dick pulled me down from my stool, held me against his chest and wrapped his arms around my shoulders, I wrapped mine around his hard chest and sobbed into his shirt. A few moments later I felt myself being picked up bridal style and held into Dicks chest.

He took me back up some stairs and I started dosing off. I felt myself being set down on a soft surface and covers being pulled over my body. I then felt the bed dip in a little bit, and felt his hand rub my back. "Hey I need you to breath, if you keep hyperventilating like that you'll pass out." I listened and slowed down my breathing a little bit. "Good. Ok I need you to listen and look at me." I looked up at him trough teary lashes and he wiped the tears off of my cheeks. "I can't tell you the pain goes away completely, but it dulls and gets better, and you have me and Bruce and Alfred, and we all know how you feel and what your going through, and I know I just met you and this seems like a lot to tell someone you just met, but I care for you more than you know."

I looked at him stunned for a second before shooting up and wrapping my arms around his neck. "Thank you, that makes me feel 10 times better, I'm so glad I have you and Bruce and Alfred." I let go and laid back down. He shed and a small smile, which I slightly returned. "Can I do anything for you? Do you want to do anything?" My smile dropped at the question I wanted to ask. "I know your Robin, Bruce told me he was Batman and I made the connection, but I have to ask, It was Joker. Wasn't it?"I looked at him with wide eyes. "Yes. So I guess we have met before huh?" I smiled a little bit before saying, "Thanks for taking me seriously on that roof top and helping me." He rubbed my arm a little before answering. "I heard the hurt in your voice and you broke and I couldn't just leave you or try to fight you." I blushed a little before thinking.

"Hey, can you do something for me?" I asked. "Of course." He answered. "Can you get me a change of clothes and run a bath? I feel kinda gross." He chuckled before answering. "Yeah I can lend you some sweatpants and a t-shirt for now and bubble?" I smiled a little bit. "Yes, please."

I think I'm gonna like it here, it might take me a little while to feel better, and the pain is always going to be there but I can tell Dick cares as well as Bruce and Alfred.

For now though I may have to let let the dark side free.

I guess sometimes dark has to be free before there's light


I promise I will update more I kinda lost my train of thought for this story but I've found it again so YAY

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