Chapter 16

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Mel's P.O.V

Oh my gosh, I'm so nervous, what if Dick doesn't like the real me? I haven't been able to be the real me in over 3 years, and even then I was 9. 

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a knock on my door, I stood up from my desk and walked over to open the door to see Dick standing there in jeans and a t-shirt, with a green hoodie in his arms and his untied Converse on his feet. I giggled when I saw them. He looked down and blushed before tying them.

When he stood up again he asked, "You ready to go?" Still blushing. I nodded and walked out closing my door behind me. As we were walking down the hall to the stairs I realized I didn't even know where we were going or What we were doing.

"Um.. What are we doing?" I looked over at him as we started walking down the stairs and saw him smirk, "You'll see." 

"Aw c'mon tell me!"

"Nope it's a surprise." He said with a chuckle.

We finally arrived at the Batcave were we both got on Dicks motorcycle, but in civilian mode, and drove off.

When we stopped we were at the  Gotham City Fair that was open for the week. I looked over at Dick and smiled. "How'd you know I loved the fair?" He blushed and shrugged. "I didn't really. I just...kinda had a gut feeling." He started doing that think guys do when there nervous, you know look at the ground, rub there neck, and put there hand in there pocket. I thought it was adorable. We were still on the Bike so I hugged him from behind. "Your gut was right. Now let's go! I wan to get some cotton candy!" I said as I got off the bike giggling. "OK I'm coming slow down a bit." He said chuckling as he got of the bike.

Once I got my cotton candy and Dick got a soda we decided to go play some carnival games like popping balloons with darts, which we won, and I got a little stuffed kitty, we also played the one were you shoot water at a target and who ever get's to the top first wins, Dick won against me and one other guy, who jut glared 'cause he came in last place, and was trying to win a gift for his girlfriend, and Dick gave me the blue sock monkey he won, making blush at the gifts. After a few more of those types of games we went on the rides, like one where it spins you 'round really fast, 2 different roller coasters, a giant swing that swung us in circles, one that took us up and dropped us down really fast, and finally when the firework show was about to start we got to the top of the Ferris wheel.

"Thank you Dick." I told him as we were waiting for the fireworks to start. "You're welcome. Though I should thank you, I didn't expect you to say yes." He said blushing. "Are you kidding I wanted to tell you I had a crush on you but I was chicken." I said with wide eyes. He smiled really big and was about to say something before he was cut of by the sound of then first fire work being shot into the air. We watched the fireworks until the end finally came and I looked over to see Dick staring at me with a content smile. All of sudden he leaned forward and pulled my lips to his.

And let me tell you it was like the entire night plus the fireworks times 5. I kissed him back as I snaked my arms around his neck, his hands finding spots to rest on my waste. We were finally pulled back to reality when someone stared talking. "All right love birds time to get off the ride." We pulled back, breathless and blushing then got out off the cart and started walking towards the parking lot where Dick's motorcycle was parked. We rode home in comfortable silence, when we finally got there I was still blushing as was he. I assumed Bruce was out as Batman on patrol, cause as we went through the BatCave and manor he was no where to be found. 

When we got upstairs he stopped at my door and pulled my waist in again and kissed me one more time, I rested my hands my hands on his cheeks and pulled back to rest my forehead against his. "Does this mean we're a thing now?" He asked  smiling. "Of course it does dumbass." I said as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and neck. "Goodnight Dick." I said as pulled back smiling,"Goodnight Mel.", I kissed his cheek one more time before going in my room. 

I stripped and changed into some sweatpants and a tank top. I was so happy but so tired that as soon as my head hit he pillow I was out like a light, but let me tell you this had been one of the best nights of my life.


Ya know I'm just not going to promise chapters anymore cause I have writers block I hoped you liked the chapter. They kissed!

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Love you!


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