Chapter 17

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Mel's P.O.V

"HE WHAT?!" I screamed as Bruce told me our mission for the night. "How the hell did he escape?" I screamed as I stood by Bruce, who was typing away at the BatComputer. Dick then came up behind me and put his hand on the small of my back calming me a little. "Harley Quinn broke into the prison and liberated him." I seethed once I heard that. Harley has always annoyed me, 3 years was even worse cause I had to hear her squeaky naive voice all the time.

"It's okay Mel calm down." Dick said as he turned me to face him and put his hands on my waist. I looked at him,tears burning my eyes. He wiped one away as it fell, then leaned in to kiss me, which I gladly returned. "We'll catch him and put him away again, I promise." He said as he pulled away. I nodded as Bruce got up. 

"All right love birds, suit up." He smirked as he walked to get his own suit. We blushed and did the same. I met them at the garage and we were off to track down Joker.

3 hours later

"FUCK!!!!!" I yelled slamming my fist into the wall beside me. "Baby calm down we'll find him, sooner or later he's going to do something that'll lead us right to him."Robin said into my com unit. We've been on patrol for 3 hours, looking for that maniac, and so far nothing has come up. I'm starting to lose hope. I need to get revenge.

"EMBER!?" Batman's voice in my com link brought me out of my thoughts. "What? Sorry I got lost in thought." I grappled to the building across from me, still scanning for Joker. "I have a lead, but I need you to promise me, that when we find him, you'll remember justice not vengeance. Can you  promise me and Robin that?" He asked as I got the location on my holo glove. I sighed as I started moving to the location. "I promise I'll remember. Justice, not vengeance."

When I got there I found them both outside a warehouse. I tapped there shoulders and jumped back as they whipped around. "Hey it's just me!" I whisper/yelled. "You can't sneak up like that, especially with Joker loose." Robin scolded, I rolled my eyes and looked to Batman, "What's the plan?" Batman pulled up a map with the warehouse we were at, a green dot in the warehouse, probably representing Joker, and three more dots, one pink(me), one red(Robin), and one black(Batman), outside the warehouse at our position. He pointed at the green one, "This is where we tracked Joker, but so far the ware house has been quiet, we were waiting to investigate until you got here." I looked at him confused. "You could've just radioed me, you've done it before?" Robin sighed. "We tried to but coms are down." He explained. I made an 'O' shape with my lips and nodded slowly. "We were gonna go into the warehouse through the roof, but we checked it out, while waiting for you, and there's no access point." Robin explained. "There's only one way to get into the warehouse and that's a giant garage door on the opposite side of the building. " Batman continued pointing to the map of the warehouse. "Okay.......then let's go in that way." Batman gave me his famous glare. "We can't. Jokers henchmen are loading weapons, chemicals, tanks, cars, motorcycles, everything you can think of into the warehouse through that garage door, we can't get in with out being noticed." I smirked. "Then let's be noticed." I got up before they could say anything and grappled to the top of the building and ran across the roof determined to give The Joker a piece of my mind.

All I could see was red.

All I could hear was my heart pounding.

And all I could feel was white hot rage for was this insane clown did to me. Killed my parents, kept me captive for 3 dammed years.

I got to the other side of the warehouse and dropped down on some henchmen and knocked them all out, I turned around breathless and furious to see the psychopath himself laughing and smiling.

"What the hell are you laughing at you sick maniac?!?" I yelled as I glared at him. He laughed more before speaking. "Yah know for such a little girl you have quite a big vocabulary?" He laughed harder and all I saw was more red hot anger.

So I went for it, I swung at his head, which he dodged while trying to kick me in the stomach, I jumped back before he could reach me though, this pattern went on for I don't know how long, I didn't care I just wanted this bastard put into jail.







Finally, Joker got me and kept hitting me and kicking at me, and just as I was getting the upper hand.....

Everything went black.

(Robin's P.O.V)

"Ember!" I yelled as she grappled up the building. I looked at Batman and he nodded. We both followed and got to the roof and saw that Ember was already half way across the roof. We ran after her and once we got there, she was already fighting The Joker, suddenly I was thrown against Batman. I looked up to see that most of the henchmen that had been knocked out, had recovered and there were more.

Once me and Batman had knocked them all out again we turned around to see Ember going down and Joker standing over her. Suddenly I was furious and ran at Joker throwing a kick that knocked him out ad handcuffing him before going to Ember.

"Robin." I looked at Batman as I checked out Ember. "Get her to a hospital I'm taking Joker to Arkham I'll meet you at Gotham General. I nodded as Bats dragged the psycho away. I then looked at Mel and picked her up bridal style, and whispered, "Please be okay." Before running off to take my love to the hospital.



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