Chapter 1

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i was never one of those bad, rich, popular girls until July 7 when my parents got in that car acciedent. Ever since then my life has changed as in, schools, attitude, grades, relationships, LIFE, houses. But if im going to tell you the whole story i have to start from the beginning, in January...

  It was two monts from my birthday, and my mom decided to plan the biggest sweet 16 birthday party ever. I told her how i wanted it exactly how i wanted it. Colors- Pink and White, the cake has to be big with pink and white, my dress has to be pink and white, and my decorations have to be pink and white. Basically everything pink and white. I want everything to be perfect if it's not then it's ruined my whole entire day.

   After the planning my mom went to go look and order the stuff, so i went over Jason's house, Jason has been my best friend since i was 3 years young. Every Saturday i used to go over his house with my mom and we would play cops. He would always go to jail for speeding or using a blue crayon instead of orange when i told him too. Anyways, while over Jason's house he was having a party which was weird because he didn'e invite me.

     As i was walking in he was playing football in the pool with his buddies. As i called Jason to come here I noticed a short blonde headed girl with a shiny rubber lookin dress, just starring at me with a weird look on her face as if i did something wrong. We were in the living rom now and i asked him, "Why didn't you invite me?" he replied with an confused look on his face, " I told Jessica to call you and let you know about it." as he spoke i checked my phone for any missed calls or texts..none.

   "No she didn't!" i unexpectedly screamed

   "i dont know, go and talk to her, she's over there." He was pointing toward the blonde girl with the weird look on her face.

   I walked toward her. i noticed she rolled her eyes as she saw me walking toward her way. "Yes?" she said before i even had a chance to say hi. " Y-Yes, uhm, Jason said you called me about the party... but i didn't get a call." i stuttered a little but i dont think she noticed. "oh yeah about that i dont want you to talk to Jason anymore, okay?" 

   "Why?" i said unsure of what she meant. "Because he's mine and i dont need no one else to take him from me, understand?" but she must of not known that i wasnt't thinking of Jason like that. "I-Uhm-you-i dont like him like..." i was inturupted by Jessica when she said, "Are you ok? i just asked a question all i needed was a yes or no, no extra crap like i dont you dont games. So answer yes or no." 

"yes." i said unprepared for a comeback.


  Im soo bored, should i go shopping or to the mall? Wait those are the same thing. haha ! Maybe i should call Shiraz! *PHONE RINGS* . " Hey Shiraz wanna go to the mall?" silence for a while. "UHM...sure what time? she finnaly says.  "around 6pm" I say. "k! see ya".

     "OMG!! that top is so cute right?" Shiraz screams in excitement. I stand in front of some adorable tops that i would totally buy if i didnt forget my wallet at Kevin's house. As i was about to reach for my back pocket, just remembering that i had $25.67, i saw someone walk past me with a delicious scent of mint and vanilla. I quickliy turn my neck toward the fragrance, as i got a better vision of who it was, i was shocked. He was nothing that was on my list but he could do...... for Shiraz!

   So as any good friend would do i asked him for his number and we had a little chit-chat about himself and shiraz. he wanted to see her but i said you will see her tonight at 8pm and i gave him the address to my place and told him to wear something really nice.

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