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The evening we were to meet had finally arrived.

I stood in front of my mirror and stared at myself, thinking all the while, what if he doesn't think I look good, what if it was just because of the alcohol that we got talking, what if I don't find him good looking, what if he is as boring as I am. Yes, I consider myself to be a boring person, though my loved ones beg to differ.

There are days when I am the craziest as one can get, in a good way. But this night, it wasn't one of those nights where I could be myself completely, especially since I was trying to make an impression.

A million things were playing in my head as I was picking out what to wear. The fuss I was making got my Mum all Sherlock Holmes on me. "Who are you going out with?", "Where are you going?", "Why are you putting on so much make-up?", "What is his name?"

Unlike other Indian mothers, my Mum has never restricted me from meeting boys and neither has she stopped me from dating. But this was the first time she was taking an interest in finding out who I was going out with. Probably, because, she knew I was going out with him. Mother's intuition, she calls it.

We had decided to meet at a coffee shop we both liked to visit often, but never bumped into each other. I guess someone very rightly said, "All good things happen at the right time", and maybe before the party our right time had not come. As I arrived my destination, he was already waiting for me.

A/N: Hey guys, do share your comments with me. I'd really appreciate it. Is my story a Yay or Nay? Should I continue writing this one or is it already going down the drain? I'm excited to hear from you guys. Cheers!

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