Chapter 24 | Birthday : Pt. 1.

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Chapter 24

   Birthday - Pt. 1.



            My eyes slowly opened and I could see many figures standing infront of me. I lazily removed the covers over me and ran my finger through my hair, with my vision still blurry.


    My eyes fully opened to find the boys, Lola, Emily and Mason standing infront of me, holding a huge cake in their hands.

    What was happening?!

    "Happy birthday Amber!", all said in unison. So, they remember that's it's my birthday today?!

    "Oh my god.", I gasped, placing my hands over my mouth in shock.

  Zayn came up to me and planted a kiss on my forehead, "Happy birthday beautiful."



       Amber's POV


             Happiness flowed through my body when I saw the people I loved standing in front of me with a cake in their hands. The cake was pretty huge compared to the normal sized cakes. After Zayn planted a kiss on my forehead, he stood beside me as his lips twisted to a smirk. My hands which covered my mouth in shock dropped down and I looked at everyone on absolute shock.

       I jumped up from the bed and smiled as all of them sang the happy birthday song. Niall had a guitar in his hand and every sang along as he strummed the strings perfectly.

     "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you!" 

      I gasped, still in shock. It felt absolutely amazing that they actually remembered my birthday. I'd almost lost hope that my birthday was going to be a big flop, but with friends like them, I would never had to worry about anything in life.

   "Thankyou so much guys! I thought you'd all forgetten about my birthday.", I gasped, as all of them let out a laugh. "How could we forget about your birthday Amber? We were just acting as if we forgot about your birthday. Ofcourse we remember! Right guys?", Emily chuckled, looking at everyone as they nodded in agreement. I was stupid enough not to figure out that they were just acting.

      I laughed, leaning on Zayn. who's arms were around my shoulder, "You guys are the best! Thankyou so much, I love you guys!" I walked towards my lovely friends along with Zayn and pulled everyone into a group hug. I loved these people more than my own life, and my love for them was undescribable. It was weird how I'd actually grown to care for the One Direction boys. Eventhough I'd dispised them before, I'd actually fallen in love with them, in a friendly way ofcourse.  I disliked them because of Harry, eventhough I only liked Zayn before. I was so stupid that I didn't realized the loving and sweet side of the boys, and now I regreted disliking them.

        After pulling out of the long hug, I smiled, looking at the beautiful brown colour cake, decorated with  edible flowers made out of chocolate with some white sprinkles on them and a picture of me on it and also, 'Happy birthday Amberkins!' written on it with white cream. I laughed at my name, reminding me that Lola and Emily always called me Amberkins.

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