Chapter 5

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×Why Me×

"Maria..." I mumble to myself.

What are these images? I have heard of physics, but never really thought they were real. Usually they are just con artist playing you for money, but then again I could be seeing things. I haven't really seen these "images" play out, but we can't take any chance.

"Jeffory!" I shake him awake.

"What th-"

I interrupt him mid sentence,"We need to get Maria!"

"What? Why," he wipes the sleep out of his eyes.

"I don't know how to explain. I have these visions, and I just had one of Maria being hurt. I couldn't tell who was hurting her but we need to help. She's only 6, Jeffory!" I drag him out of his spot on the floor.

"Whoa chill! We can't just barge in! You are a missing person. What do you think we are gonna do? Just walk into the house and say, 'oh we need Maria thanks!'. Yeah, we need a fucking plan."

I thought for awhile. I didn't know how we could get her. She needs to be safe. I can't just sit here thinking she may or may not be safe.

"I-I don't know," I fall to the ground, weeping.

Jeffory sits down next to me and hugs me tight, "we'll think of something, okay? We just need time t-"

"There is no time! My little sister is probably being hurt right this second, and we are sitting here doing nothing!"

"Well, if you want go go back, then go ahead and barge in. You need a plan, Jessica," he let's go of me and walks to the door.

"Where are you going?" I ask getting up slowly.

"For a smoke," he takes out a cigarette and lights it.

"I thought you stopped!"

"Well, you have me stressed," and with that he stepped out side.

What am I going to do? I need a plan, but what is there to plan! The only time she is out is when she is at school, and the school is always on watch.

I thought a while longer. Then it hit me.

I can get her to sneak out.

I run out side to get Jeffory, but he wasn't out side.

"Jeffory?" I whisper yell.

"Jeff, this isn't funny, please come out."

No responce.

"Jeffory, please," tears swell up in my eyes,"don't leave me here alone."

No responce.

I start full on crying. He left. He left me to deal with this. They always leave.

"Jess!" Someone calls out to me,"Jess! Get up! What happened!"

I look behind me to see the beautiful blue eyes I loved.

"I-I thought you left," I cry more.

"No! I was over there getting a drink," he points to the gas station down the road.

"Please, don't ever leave me," I cling onto him.


"Please," I sob.

"I won't. Why would I leave you," he pats my back.

"I won't leave you, I promise."

I wake up back on the floral bed. Jeffory was where he was, still asleep.

I walk to the bathroom to check how I look. My green eyes were puffy and red. God I'm such a cry baby.

I look at my long brunette hair and began thinking. I still look like Jess. I need to come up with a different identity.

I walk over to Jeffory and push him in an attempt to wake him up.

"Jeff," I say softly,"Get up we need to get moving.

He opens his eyes a little and smiles.

"You're so beautiful," he says sleeply.

I blush beet red,"T-Thanks..."

He jults up.

"Oh my God, I an so sorry I didn't mean to say that"

"Its fine. I wanted to talk to you," I get up from my spot.


"We need a different identities," I look back in the mirror.

"Well, that's weird," he looks in the mirror as well.

"I was thinking, what if we change our hair? I mean you probably won't have to because no one knows we are friends and won't suspect you, but since I'm a missing person, they'll see me instantly."

"Okay? But what do you want to do with your hair?"

I looked into the mirror for a long time. I pulled out my pocket knife and cut off my hair. I look back a Jeffory who the most shocked looked.

"Does it look okay? Is it even?"

"Yes, I just didn't think you'd do that!"

"Really have no choice."

"Now for a name," he smiles.

I think for a long while.

"How about, Alexis Farmer?" I smile back.

"I like it," he hugs me.

That was sudden.

I hug back enjoying his embrace.

Alexis Farmer. This is me, and this is my new life.

A/N: Aye! I would love some feed back. If you could like this or even comment what would be better that would be nice. ^-^ have a lovely day! 💙

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