Chapter 6

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×What can we do×

"Jeffory," I yell from the car.

There was no responce.

"He must still be getting ready," I think out loud.

I get up out of the car, and head towords the motel door. I reach out to grab the door knob but soon became very dizzy. The world around me started spinning. I couldn't see where I was going and my stomach turned.

I could feel my legs become weak and the air leaving me. A flash of images comes across my vision of a small girl hooked up to tubes. The tubes were hooked up to machines where people in white lab coats with clipboards were scribbling away to God knows what. I see the girl twitch. She looks directly in front of her face and smiles. And suddenly a small boy shows up.

"Hi, Mercy," the girl said sweetly.

Who I asume is Mercy nods in responce, then shoots his eyes my direction.

"Jess," he says to me.

"Jess!" I snap back to reality.

I have a horrable ringing in my ears and Jeffory is sitting in front of me snapping his fingers and waving his hand in front of my face.

"Jess, finally. What happened? I came out side to find you lying on the ground staring at who knows what. Are you okay?" He lifts me up to my feet.

"Yeah," I smile,"I'll be fine."

"What were you looking at?"

I think about it. I honestly don't know what it was.

"I...I don't know."

I truely didn't. But I certainly didn't want him to know about the visions.

"Well," He takes my hand,"We need to get a move on," He drags me to the car. We hop into the car, and we out to save Maria.


"Jess..." Jeffory looks at me, with his crystal blue eyes,"Are you sure you want to do this?"

I look from his deep baby blues to the worn out teddy bear in my hands. If Maria is being hurt, I wasn't gonna sit here and let her be hurt.

I look back a Jeffory and smile a reassuring smile.

"I'm ready."

It was about 2:30 in the morning, which means mom should be asleep.

I crawl up to Maria's window, which was luckly in the back of the house.

I peek in to see a toy chest, a few dolls, and a bed. But no one was in the bed.

"Maria?" I whisper into the crisp cool air.

I heard a wimper from the closet. I sneak into the room, basicly breaking an entry, and crawl over to the closet.

I tap once lightly.

"Maria? It's me. Big J."

Nothing but wimpers and hiccups.

"Lil' M. It's me. Please open the door."

"Jessica?" I hear a small broken voice emerge from the closet.

"Yes," I open the door lightly, to only be greeted with a huge hug.

Two little arms were wrapped around my torso.

I sit back patting the little red head of hers.

"I-i missed you," she hiccups into my chest.

"Shh, I'm here to take you with me."

I pull Cuddles out from my backpack. His buttons eyes were shining brightly in the moon light.

"Cuddles..." she takes it in her hands, flaring at it.

She then looks at me and tossed it aside, and dives back into my chest.

"I don't care about Cuddles," she whispers,"I care about you..."

We'll Meet in Misery «Jessica Martin Seires»Where stories live. Discover now