Chapter 4

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Rick blew the sand away it was some sort of lock.

"This looks like some sort of lock" Rick voiced my thoughts

"Whoever they were sure wasn't going to get out" Jon stated

"No kidding this would take a month to crack without a key." Rick said which set something off in Evy

"A key...a key now that's what he was talking about" Evy began to dig around


"The man on the barge he was looking for a key" she brought up a small box and opened it

"Hey that's mine" Jon protested but she ignored him and placed it in, there was screaming and we ran to the sound of the noise. The warding ran down screaming and clutching his face right paced us until he knocked himself out i looked at the others before going to check his pulse.

"Is he dead" Evy asked

"Yes, yes he is" Rick lifted me up and guided me out to our camp where we set up a fire.

"What do you suppose killed him?" Evy asked

"Did you see what he ate" i chuckled shaking my head

"Seems it wasn't just us who had a miss fortune our little Americans did too" Rick came over

"Three of their diggers were...melted" he sat in between me and Evy

"" Jon and Evy asked

"Salt acid pressurized Salt Acid and little Ancient Egyptian booby trap."

"Maybe this place really is cursed" a gust of wind blew past us

"Oh for goodness sake you two..." i cut her off

"Three" i chimed

"You don't believe in curses" Rick asked

"No i believe if i can see it and touch it, it must be real" Evy stated

"Well i believe in being prepared"

"Lets see what old warden believed in" Jon went digging through the dead wardens back and yelped causing the others to jump.

"What is it" Evy asked he brought out a bottle of wine but i was distracted by something i grabbed my Sais and slowly got up walking away much to Ricks protest the horses where neighing. We were being attacked i began to fight the men who attacked the American and i presume Rick where firing their guns i on the other hand loved hand to hand combat.

 Using my Sais i went though several men before i duelled with another but i gasped i fell to the ground but recognised my attacker

"Aasim, Aasim stop its Arsinoé its Arsinoé" i shouted in Egyptian. He halted looking at me breathing heavily.

"Please stop call the Medjai off" i pleaded he looked up.

"ENOUGH! He shouted the fighting stopped he looked back down at me before offering a hand i took it and he helped me up.

"There shall be no more bloodshed tonight. But you must leave this place or die you have one day" he warned but kept his eyes on me

"Thank you" he nodded before getting on his horse and riding off i watched as they faded away

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