Chapter 7

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it was now dark and i had calmed down s i returned back to the camp where Evy was talking about the Hom Di and the scarabs

"unfortunately for our friend he was still alive when they started eating him" Evy told my brother

"so you're telling me the poor basterd was alive when they started eating him slowly?" he asked i scoffed he was hardly innocent

"very slowly"

"well he certainly wasn't a popular guy when the buried him" Jon added

"that is a understatement." i sat down.

"i want to apologise for what i said earlier I'm just a bit" i pulled a face he nodded and hugged me kissing my head

"it's okay Phoebe it's okay"

"according to my research I've never hear for the Hom Dai ever being performed"

"that bad eh" Henderson asked

"yes it was only reserved for the worst of blasphemers" i listened as she continued to explain what i already knew and what would happen if he was ever awoken i decided to go get some sleep because i planned on leaving in the morning. i was restless until i heard screaming in my head

"no you must not read from the book" i screamed as did the American i shot out of bed hurrying over to them and plopped down in front of my brother and Evy snatching it away.

"what have you done Evy, you should not have read from it" i stressed closing it back up i gasped as the air around me changed i looked back it was starting i grabbed my Sais and dragged the others away. we ran down many tunnels. we came to a holt when the sand started rising and scarabs flooded out we ran the other way and into another place me and Evie backed against a wall  sighing in relief as the passed but we fell back.

"Evy are you alright" i asked

"yes I'm fine are you"

"well I'm still alive" i answered i panted we heard groaning and caught the back of Mr Burns

"oh Mr Burns i was just starting to get worried" he turned round i screamed he had no eyes and his tongue was gone we turned round and was met by a creature Evy screamed as we backed into a wall Evy begged Mr Burns to help.

"Anuck su namun " i gasped and grabbed my Sais going behind him

"IMHOTEP" he turned facing me

"leave her alone you traitor"

"Arsinoé?" he questioned

"glad to see you remember me" i could sense he smirked

"never would i forget my princess"

" i am not nor was i ever your princess you betrayal made sure of it....murderer" i spat

"i will come back for you my Princess to make up for what i have done"  he turned back to Evy and asked her to come with him. Rick burst in and jumped at the sight of him he was about to attack. but i did so first.

"go to hell"

"come on" i ran out and we were met by the Medjai

"i told you to leave or die... you refused" Aasim stated

"now you may have killed us all you have unleashed a creature we have feared for 3,000 years" he continued

"relax we got him" i shook my head

"no mortal weapon can kill this creature he is not of this world." he replied

"he's right" i stated they all looked at me.

"and how would you know Phoebe" Rick asked me

"wrong time wrong play brother" i replied, the brought out Mr Burns who was in such a state.

"you bastards what did you do to him" Henderson asked

"we saved him before the creature finishes his work" he looked at me before giving the others an Order.

"you must find a way to kill him." i told my Medjai

"we will" he reassured me before going past me

"wait i don't even know your name" i questioned turning around 

"my name is Ardeth" he replied before leaving with the others and told Rick who Imhotep was.

that night we left.

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