Chapter 10

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we were back in the hotel from being at the museum  Ardeth had stayed talking to the curator while i had gone back with the others.

"we need to stop him from regenerating." Evy stated

"good luck on that he's immortal. there was a reason that book was hidden" i glared at Daniels and Henderson who looked away.

"you don't speak. who opened that chest?" Rick pointed to me before asking the question.  i went to protest but Henderson spoke.

"well there was me and Daniels not forgetting Burns" he informed us

"don't forget that Egyptologist" Daniels added

"what about my buddy Beni?" Rick questioned

"no he was the smart one and hijacked it outta there"

"we must find the Egyptologist and bring him back to the fort for safety until he is safe from the creature." Evy said i agreed we needed to keep everyone out of the way from him but it was easier said than done.

"okay the you two stay here you three come with me" Rick stated we all protested

"no way I'm i letting you go unprotected"  he came back over lifted Evy up and plopped her on the bed i grabbed my Sais and hold it in front of me.

"come any closer and I'll kill you before the creature " i swung them in my hands Henderson, Daniels and Jon backed but Rick my own brother tackled me to the floor causing me to lose grip of my weapons i squirm trying to get free kicking and protesting. i tried to run to the door but it was locked

"RICHARD O'CONNELL WHEN I GET OUT OF HERE YOU ARE BEYOND DEAD " i scream. i huff before sitting down on the bed .

"i can't believe him, I'm the one who knows what were dealing with and he sees fit to lock both of us up." i grumbled

"I'm not happy about it either but I'm going to sleep i need energy for giving your brother a piece of my mind" Evy announced going to change i agreed and changed into a night dress"

"good night Phoebe" she mumbled

"goodnight Evy" with that i slipped into darkness i was awoken by stroking on my cheek it stopped my eyes fluttered open Imhotep was beside Evy i screamed and pushed him away from us the doors opened

"hey get your creepy lips and hands away from them" Rick shouted me and Evy scrambled off the bed Imhotep roared before Rick showed him a cat and he fled in a wind of sand i hid my face as not to get caught. i looked up at my brother and Jon.

"you alright?" he asked us

"of course I'm not alright you bloody buffoon the man i condemned to die is back and after the two of us then you leave us hear locked in and undefended" i yelled in Arabic before slapping him across the face and leaving. i changed and went outside. Rick came up next to me.

"Evy sort of translated what you yelled at me look I'm sorry for leaving you." i crossed my arms

"not just that ever since you found out about my dreams it you be quiet apart from the curator and Ardeth I'm the only one you can actually trust that knows what is going on." i glared his features softened slightly.

" what was i supposed to do Phoebe you just told me that you've been having dreams and vision nearly all your life and you were ad Egyptian Princess who sentenced a man to the Hom Dai" i turned around

"this is why i never told you. you're not a believer like i am you never experienced it felt everything, like i have." he turned me around and hugged me.

"i would have if you told me sooner"

"no you wouldn't " i mumbled

"okay but why not say anything earlier"

"i didn't have all the facts when i started out even if we did find Imhotep i always thought the book would remain hidden then the Americans found it and Evy read from it." i replied the others came out and were planning to go to the museum so we all got in the car and left

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