Chapter 8

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we arrived back in Cairo where i washed and dressed placing my Sais in my boots i went to Evy's room where she was arguing with Rick on stopping Imhotep. and he wanted to go back well he felt like he had to.

"it will be almost impossible to find a immortal weapon to kill him" i made myself known the stopped

"what do you mean and again i ask how would you know Phoebe" i glared

"Rick i know lots of stuff i should this is one of them. that brings me to you why did you read from the book have you no sense" i scolded Evy

"what harm came from reading a book." she replied

"because of a you a 3,000 year old mummy who should never awoken has no one and nothing can kill it there was a reason why he was locked away." i raised my voice and Rick pulled me away. i shrugged him off and left .i went to the bar and sat next to Jon.

"hello Jon" he poured me a shot of whisky

"hello Miss Phoebe" i downed my shot and we were like that when Rick and a friend of his came over followed by the American's i left taking a bottle with me half way down it i spit it out and stood up all the drinks and water had turned to blood.

"he's here" i followed Rick to Evelyn

"oh Evelyn" she turned and smiled

"i see your still here" she smirked

"oh we have problems" i told her as thunder and hail rained down on the skies people started running for cover but it was worse than i thought the hail was destroying things and burning people it landed on there was a roar coming from the upper floor so we ran to it Mr Burns had be drained of all life literally and Imhotep was reforming he roared at us.

"we are in serious trouble"  he came at us as Rick started shooting but he threw Rick into the newcomers he then went to Evy when i had a idea i held up little pussy cat on the piano this scared Imhotep and he left in a tornado of sand.

"we are in very serious trouble" Rick sat up.

"no shit Rick. damn it why did i come with you" i huffed

"now is not the time Phoebe. do you have any idea where we can find out information" Rick asked Evy she smiled

"i think i do" she smiled 

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