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Once again,
She is lying in her bed
Her shoulders are shaking
Tears streaming down her face
As she sob silently to her pillow
And nobody even steal a glance at her

'They don't care about me'
The thoughts keep replaying inside her head
'What is my fault?'
She keeps asking to herself
She doesn't remember ever doing something unforgivable

For her, it's better to be ignored
But they are not that nice
They had to blame her on everything
They had to make her feel guilty
They had to make everything hard for her

You see,
She's not here by choice
It was her fate
And she can do nothing about it
At least until she's able to support herself
But by then she still can't leave
Because she cares about them

Over and over again,
She asks to herself
'Can I get out of this place?'

Her mind would think of a million ways to go
But just like everytime,
She's too weak to do it
Because she acts based on her heart
And her heart begging her to stay
Despite all the treatment she received

The place was her home
She used to be happy
But not anymore
The place is eerie silent most of the time
She feels locked up
It's more like a prison for her now
She doesn't know when it all started

The arguments
The yelling
The insults
The cold shoulder
If words could kill she would've been dead by now

She doesn't receive any physical violence
It's all mental

Her body is in one piece
But her heart is not
It's in a million pieces
It has bandages all over it
Prove to attempts to make it back together as one piece
Sadly, it won't be back

She believes in love
When she loves, she loves deeply
The thing is, she loves them
And by it, she gives them all
The power over her heart

She gives them the power
To shatter her heart

And she always decided to stay

And holding on to the remains
of what once was her heart.



Okay.. I don't even know what is this.
The idea just pops in my head, it says 'how about writing a sad, sad story about a girl and her relationship with her family?'
And then I come up with this.

Definitely not my story. It's fiction, I guess.

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