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Best friend;

The closest person who knows all about you
The one you immediately think of when you have some news
The one you tell everything to
The one you have fun with
The one you tell your sorrow to
The one you trust with all your heart

The one who cheers you up when you're feeling down
The one who has super-random conversation with you at 3 a.m. on a school night
The one who dares to openly insult you
The one who reminds you if you make mistakes
The one who is always by your side

And for me,
That one is you.

You might not realize
But you bring smiles
You bring laughter
You bring strength
You bring spirit
You bring warmth
You bring comfort

You bring happiness.

Maybe we've known each other just a little while ago
But somehow I feel like I've known you my whole life
Maybe we have so much differences
But our similarities are so much more
Maybe many party want to drift us apart
But our bond is too strong to be torn

Hey bestbud,
I don't know what did I do
To deserve such a good friend like you
I hope our friendship will last
Because I can never find a replace.




My 25th poem, (⬅ see what I did there)
Dedicated to my best friend, BigGuyStories.

Happy 20th birthday, dude!

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