Pushing My Luck

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She had never make a move on a boy first
But for him, she dare to do it
She was so sure of her actions
She starts to display her affections
She wants him to notice her intentions
She needs him to show attractions
Because she craves his attentions

She had never been the straightforward girl
But for him, she suddenly is
Her focus is on him
She does everything she thinks he wants
She does everything she thinks he needs
And she does expect something in return

She realizes she has feelings for him
And she expects him to feel the same

So she showers him,
with texts
with gifts
with all the care in her heart.

And she still expects something,
from him.

But boy, she had never been so wrong
For every paragraph she types to him, he only sent one sentence back
For every gifts she sents to him, he gives nothing back
For every step she takes towards him, he takes two steps back

His actions speaks a thousand words to her
And makes her wondering
What did she does wrong
For all she knows, she just tried to enlighten him of her feelings

She wonders why she feels like she's the only one who make efforts
And why he does absolutely nothing

She realizes,
He makes no effort to be in her life

Her mind starts to think of a million thoughts
'Am I wrong?'
'Am I being too straightforward?'
'Am I scaring him away?'
'Am I pushing my luck on him?'

She feels ashamed
She feels stupid
She feels like she's humiliating herself
And she is blaming herself for everything

In other word,
She's completely broken

And he doesn't even know that he is responsible for it.


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