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To the innocent people who were slaughtered,
To the families who stood on their houses ruins,
To the clueless children who were covered by blood,
To the crying babies who cradled by strangers,

It's alright to be confused,
It's alright to be mad,
It's alright to be scared,
But it's not alright to give up.

Stand up straight,
Hold your head high,
Say prayers from your mouth,
Gather your strength,
And fight back.

Fight for what is right,
Fight for your burnt houses,
Fight for your dead families,
Fight for yourself.

Because you have a right to sleep in peace again,
Because you have a right to eat three times a day,
Because you have a right to go to school again,
Because you have a right to laugh with your families again,
Because you have a right to live.

Go to them,
Shake their heads,
Wake them up from their trance,
Make them realize what they have done,
Knock some humanity pass through their thick skull,
Pull the blinds from their minds,
And let there be peace in this world once again.


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