My Memory

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I leaned myself on my favorite sakura tree, closing my eyes in the process as I enjoyed the warm breeze of the afternoon wind. I sighed in contentment. This place deep in the forest is my abode. My escape from the annoying deities from above. Especially from that annoying old man, the most high.

I was about to drown into a deep sleep when I heard flapping of wings. Great. Just great. Now who did that old man summoned to follow me this time.

"Natsume." A soft and gentle voice called out to me.

I opened my left eye lazily and saw a blonde haired man of around the same age as me walking toward me. Seeing who the intruder of my supposed to be peaceful afternoon. I shut my eye again. "Ruka."

"Natsume, they're asking you to go back to the Heavens immediately." Worry and alarm is evident in his voice.

I pushed myslelf off of the tree and stood properly in my full height. I stared at him smugly and emotionlessly replied a blunt. "No."

He folded his pure white wings very opposite to my black wings with red streaks, and walked towards me wtih a stern look on his face. Amusing. It's very rare for the deity of the animals and of peace and love to look stern. Mostly, he always has that gentle smile on his face and a calm aura surrounding him.

He stopped right infront of me and breathed deeply before he spoke again. "Natsume don't be stubborn and come with me peacefully back in the Heavens. You know it's forbidden for us to come down here on Earth."

I matched his stern look with my cold emotionless one."I won't and you know why I won't Ruka."

He sighed in defeat. He knows why I don't want to stay up there for even a second. All the other deities are giving me looks that clearly says. "What is he doing here?" or "He doesn't belong here with us." They're criticizing me without even knowing me well yet.

But thankfully Ruka's different from them. It's quite odd that the deity of the animals, peace and love goes quite well with me, the deity of chaos, war and lust. So now you've got an idea why others hate me. I create war or more like support those warfreak people, because of me many lives are taken even the innocent ones. And to put an icing and cherry at the top, my indifferent, unsociable and cold aura, "stubborness" or so what Ruka told me billions of times and short fuse temper on which if I Iose will let you take a peek of what hell looks like didn't do me any better.

Only warlords, warfreak people annoyingly has a thing for me, because I help them attain victory. What can I say, I'm an expert in that field. Even though I don't want to help them attain their greedy and unreasonable ambitions.I can't do anything but support them. We know that the world isn't always peaceful and that trials and problems that people meet along the way makes them strong or not depending on how they take it. Well atleast that's what that irritating old man told me. He said it is my role.

And I hate it. And I hate myself.

Though there are times when I find it fun and entertaining making people fight and kill each other

It's like I'm possessed or more like became a different person. Someone that hears screams of pain as a lullaby, seeing blood like its something that can quench his thirst. A monster.

And that only made me hate myself more.

Ruka lightly shook his head and his blue eyes stared at me looking defeated. "Okay, I'll let you stay here longer, just make sure no one will see you and that you will be home by sunset. I'll just make excuses as to why I wasn't able to bring you back." He told me mumbling the last sentence to himself before turning his back on me and spreading his wings ready to take flight.

I grumbled "Fine." under my breath and walked towards nowhere. I felt him leave when a strong gush of wind blew. Sighing I continued to walk where my feet would take me. Deeper into the forest. Might as well look for another place to doze off this boredom. Who the hell in this big boring world will see me here anyway.

No one.

Or so I thought.

My Memory (PLEASE DON'T READ!MAJOR EDITING GOING ON!)Where stories live. Discover now