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"This is unforgivable!" Jinno-kami, the god of thunder and lightning, whose fuming with anger roared. I swear I can see flickers of electricity coming out of the wand he's holding.

"Now now Jinno-san calm down. Ruka must have an explanation to these actions." The highest god, Izumi, chided Jinno. "Right Ruka?" He smiled at me. I gave a nervous smile in return.

"We have the explanation! The explanation is right there!" He pointed towards the photos on the table that were taken earlier by Hotaru. With his gray eyes filled with distrust, he glared at me. I squirmed on my sit. Izumi picked up the photos and stared at it intently. "He just wanted to destroy the gate! Now he's becoming just like that red eyed brat! A destructive god!" Jinno ranted.

I wanted to answer that for Natsume's side but I held back for I might say something unecessary. I know Natsume isn't like that. He had a reason why he did that. "Jinno calm down. I know you're just worried but there is no need to panic and I believe Ruka is NOT a destructive god. He is the god of peace and love Jinno and I also still believe in that lad."

Jinno unable to bend down Izumi's decision, though still skeptical of me, nodded and breathed in and out before asking for an apology to Izumi and me. "If you'll excuse me Izumi-sama, I have other work to do I'll leave everything in your hands." He bowed his head and bid goodbye to both of us before flying off to somewhere.

"Now where were we? I apologize for ealier Ruka, I know you are not that type to just throw tantrums like that."

"The gate's just too old and rusty." Youichi blurted out which earned a laugh from Izumi.

"Youichi!" I gently scolded him. He is sitting on my lap and stared at me confusedly. "It's true! There were even times when I want to destroy it myself so that it'll be changed with a new one. You saw that earlier right? It can't even stand light attacks how much more if it is a very strong attack! But thanks to Ruka-nii for being such a lame hitter, you hit the gate instead of my friend ghost ."

I sweat dropped. Why do you have to be so frank? You are very much like Natsume and Hotaru. Speaking of Hotaru, how dare she escape and leave me here with these photos which can be easily misunderstood! A vein popped on my head. I said an apology to Izumi for Youichi's bluntness but Izumi just laughed it off like it's nothing.

"Okay okay I get it. We'll change it with a new and stronger one as wished by our cute but BRAVE gatekeeper. Now off you go and send this letter to your Hotaru-nii, I know she's also part of this cheeky crime." He magically produced a letter with his hand and put his signature and seal on it then handed it to Youichi after pinching his cheek while smiling. Thank goodness he's not a bit mad and a good natured god.

Youichi excitedly hopped off of my lap. With the letter in his hand he quickly flew off to Hotaru.

"I'm really sorry for what happened earlier Ruka." he gave me an apologetic smile.

"Uh no, it should be me who should apologize to you Kami-sama. I destroyed the gate and....I failed bringing Natsume back here." I said the last part in a low voice.

"Yep I also noticed his missing presence. You also understand why Jinno reacted like that earlier right?" He stood up from his chair, turned to his heel and walked towards the balcony. He stared at the clouds floating on the palace grounds.

"Yes, sire." Of course I know. Having the gate damaged or worse destroyed indicates a bad omen like something terrible is going to happen in the heaven. Everyone is very conscious of every little thing especially things concerning Natsume ever since that event happened 5 years ago. That's why I couldn't blame Jinno-kami for jumping into conclusions even if it is very insulting. Good thing Izumi-kami was taking a stroll that time and was able to stop Jinno-kami from electrocuting us and we ended up here in his castle.

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