Chapter 5: Visiting hours

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As I woke to find myself in a hospital room that was, presumably, within the school, but I couldn't be one hundred percent sure. Either way, my head was pounding that brought with it an uncontrollable amount of sickness whenever movement occurred. That being said, I wasn't actually completely able of movement at this particular moment in time. I was capable of opening my eyes, but as soon as I did so actual sight was almost impossible due to the brightness of the whitewash rooms. There was absolutely nothing extraordinary about it, no form of individuality whatsoever.

It symbolised every part of the school. It was whitewashed, dull, depressing, and prison like. There was also a distinct lack of individuality and personalisation, the thought of us being anyone other than a carbon cut out is obviously implausible. There is no room or tolerance for opinions or a display of personality. Either way it was a hugely oppressive room.

I spent god knows how long in this terrible room with no sort of visit from anyone, but in a place like this you'd rather be left to your own devices. Attracting attention to yourself always lead to trouble, that only ended in one of two ways, neither is good. The first is getting noticed by the other patients, and the second lead to being noticed by the teachers. The latter I seemed to have a knack for. I never had a problem with the students, to be fair I never really had much to do with the other students, I left them to it and they left me to it. Other than Sophie that is. But teachers? They were different, no matter what I seemed to do, how hard I tried, I could never please them. I'd never even had a teacher support me, well... until today.

Hang on... was it today? I don't know how long I've been out of it. I came here this morning, I left my house after getting ready and walking towards the school. Then... I had science, with that teacher and... things got weird. I have been here longer, I was in his room, after my breakdown and then I was take to cell D. Or was it the other way round? Uggghhh! My head... I closed my eyes.

The brighteness of the light was starting to blur my sight, I needed to get out of here.

With this in mind I opened my eyes again to see if there was any way of escape, any way of getting to a nice dark hole to sleep. There was nothing else on my mind, it was just plain empty. After letting my eyes adjust to the light I began to sit up taking it slowly so as not to vomit, making sure to breath. Then I threw the covers back and swung my legs out letting my feet hit the cold floor as I made my way out of the room, making sure to check that there were no nurses on patrol before I went. The door creaked as I opened it, but other than that there was nothing. No sound, no people, nothing. So with this I descended into the darkness of the hospital wing.

My feet made gentle pattering sounds as they hit the floor, I was never that good at stealth. But as quickly as I could I made my way through this maze of hallways to the nearest exit. I was nearly there, I could see the door. And then, all of a sudden my luck ran out. Just as I got passed the last door when I heard him. Clear as day it was his voice. So I made the choice to investigate the nearest room.

It was a small room, what looked to be an office of some sort, with a desk and a few filing cabinets. Other than that it was empty. All except for the doctor sitting in the front of the desk, in front of him sat Mr Aching. I only caught a small amount of the conversation. But from what I could gather they were talking about a patient, from what I found, the said patient was being difficult and had to be sedated. They then got up to leave, causing me to start a little. I stumbled backwards and crashed into a table behind me, causing a loud clattering sound, and the two to turn and look towards me.

The doctor proceeded to walk towards me, towering over me, and extended his hand.

"Hello, I see you're up and about, you've been out for a while now. How are you feeling?"

I struggled to organise my thoughts, but after what seemed like a few minutes I finally answered "bit groggy" then looking at Mr Aching I turned and said "what happened?"

He looked confused and proceeded to tell me that he didn't know and that he'd found me collapsed on the floor of my cell. I protested profusely, I remembered him being there, this was his fault. The doctor then proceeded to try and calm me down and then lead me back to my room. Taking one look back I saw him standing there, a smug and devilish look on his face. Did he set this up? I know what happened... right?

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