Chapter 3: Cell D

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As he relaxed, his grip loosened on my arm so that he wasn't dragging me but now guiding me down to the bolted metal door. I had no dread for where I was going but for what was going to happen when I was there, I hadn't been down this hall for so long that the shock had hit in a wave of terror. I stared at his eyes, he seemed emotionless to all of what he was about to do. Did he know what was about to happen? Either way, he held his gaze straight ahead so as to avoid eye contact until we reached the end of the hall, when he suddenly unbolted the door and threw me into the cold metal box. At this point, I expected him to leave to get the nurse so that she could 'make me better', yet he did not. He stalked towards me, a smug grin pinned to his face, an amused look in his eyes as I backed away from him slowly.

He stood there for a while before he fell to his knees, leaning towards me, he wrapped his arm around my waist and for a moment, just a short moment, everything fell quiet. Then his eyes flicked to my lips, then back to my eyes, causing my heart to stop for a few moments as I realised what was about to happen. I felt his eyes rake across my body, causing a slight feeling of nausea to spread to the pit of my stomach. His hand slid across my ribs, then to the tops of my legs, I took the offending hand in mine, hoping he would stop. As his hand slipped into mine I felt a warmth spread through me, with this my eyes flicked to his as I bit my lip as if challenging him to do something more. He, of course, bit the bait and gently brushed his lips against mine for a few seconds before he gently pulled away, the tip of his nose touching mine whilst his eyes bore into my own giving an immense feeling of happiness to shoot through my heart.

But then the same cruel look as before came across his face, and at first I thought it was just my imagination, but I thought I saw him draw a needle from his pocket. However, as there was no needle to be seen anywhere, I knew I had imagined it. Except I hadn't imagined it at all, it was in my arm pumping Dreoline into my bloodstream, causing a temporary state of paralysis and racing of my heart.

I tried not to look so hurt but my eyes must have betrayed me as his face twisted into a beautiful yet terrifying smile that cut me to the core as his hand left mine and he pushed himself up, away from me. Then backing towards the door, he said something that sounded so much like gibberish I could barely make out what he said. I think it was 'don't cry' or 'don't lie', I don't even know. But either way it made me take notice about the fact that there was no nurse, where had he got the needle from? Either way, it lead me to the utmost confusion and soon I began to shake from head to foot, causing the whole room to vibrate. The shadows seemed to slither and crawl towards me in a manner that made me flinch and gasp for breath. The air thick, I couldn't breathe. And then nothing. I have no idea when I slipped out of consciousness but when I woke up I found that someone was singing a song to which I knew all the words. I knew that only one person would sing it, so with no embarrassment I sung, not caring much for the precision of the tune but as quickly as I had started, I stopped at a short laugh from an unfamiliar voice. I, of course, thought it was Sophie that I was singing at but apparently not, and apparently it amused my unusual audience to hear me sing.

With more strength than I actually held within me, I pushed myself up, using the wall for support so that I wouldn't stumble or fall. My legs were trembling and the urge to fall back down was overwhelming but then I heard her again and remembered my task, I had to find out who she was, with her back to me, I couldn't quite make out who she was but she was slim and tall, with her long blond hair cascading down her back. Her voice light and airy, almost ethereal, unreal, but it was also slightly mocking as if she wanted to trick me or lead me into a trap, or maybe it was just a childish tone. We had a lot of childish people here, but in the end it leads to nothing.

Either way, I didn't want to go near but at the same time I wanted to find out who she was and why she was here with me. No one was normally here with me, never here with me. I wasn't sure I liked it, I mean when you spend a certain amount of time within the sound of silence alone with nothing but your own thoughts; you kind of come to resent the company of others. She just didn't seem real. Her hair fell to the floor in a stream of shadow and her body had started to blur, her voice wavering, she dissolved into nothing. Left me in all my misery, with nothing but sweet silence to bless my thoughts.

It was then that it started to happen, my body started to burn up causing a sweat to break across me, shaking kicked in leaving me unable to move. My voice mute as I attempted to scream at the crushing of my chest, leaving me clawing at my skin raking the top layer off. Blood started to drip from the wound and flowed between the cracks in the floor that seemed to be growing by the minute until I was just seconds away from falling off of the edge to my death. Then the shadows started to creep across the floor grabbing for my ankles and dragging me down into the abyss.

* * * Darkness* * *

Running through my dreams, he tormented me, making me believe all of his blissful lies. He made everything seem so dull and painful, it lead me to all of his little traps and ended in nothing but disaster. The only dream I remember clearly was the last.

It started off beautifully. I had been in the recreation room in the school listening to music and reading a book when he entered. I didn't notice until he snaked his arm around my waist and lifted me off of my seat, carrying me to his chest so as to comfort me from panicking. As we walked I got the overwhelming feeling that I belonged, I mean he didn't exactly have a face to be scared of. Then he placed me on a hospital bed and that was when I got scared, it seemed as though the straps of the bed had a mind of their own when they clamped down on my hands and bound me to my death bed. He leaned forward in a manner that lead me to believe that he was going to place his lips on mine but he didn't he just held his position. And that's when he said it 'don't cry'.

That was when I woke up, with him leaning over me with his face so unbelievably close that I didn't know how to react. He looked at me in a strange manner, as if he were thinking of something deep when at last he placed his head in the crook of my neck breathing hard. He gave me no reason to worry about what had just happened or any time to think; as he lifted his head to look into my eyes making all of my thoughts dissolve away into the abyss. His gaze didn't waver, not once did he look unsure, not even when he heard noises to signify the world outside. Nor did he care for my struggle for release as he crushed me closer into his arms; I released a sharp gasp for air.

His eyes said it all. Locked on, unable to relay the information, I saw him grow frustrated with the situation and I had started to grow tired of the current predicament. He relaxed his arms as his face softened, he lifted, raising me so that I was in a sitting position, notably more comfortable than the first.

The room seemed different, less empty. That's when I realised where I was. In the middle of the hall, people gathered around the area to see watch the scene unfold, the whole place was in a state of distress. The noise was starting to get to me; dragging me down into nothing whilst I was in the grip of death. The air a thick blanket as my chest tightened and my heart echoed the immense sense of pain that everyone felt. Next to us knelt the nurse, who bore the expression of worry at the problem at hand.
I think I must have blacked out... but everyone was just coming and going as if nothing had occurred, so confused with the state i was in, that I hardly noticed being carried away. But I must have been as I found myself within another room rather quickly, a room that I had never visited before, which was very odd because I had explored the whole school. Or so I thought but apparently not.

The room itself was beautiful with violet walls, a deep purple carpet and rich satin curtains which caressed the floor with their elegance. The four poster bed that was situated in the middle of the room backed against the wall, held similar curtains to that of the deep set window except for the fact that these were more floral in pattern. It was this bed on which I was placed before I descended into the darkness.

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