Chapter 6: Group

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The doctor lead me away through the halls, various of which seemed secured by heavy duty locks, and none of the rooms had any details to them, no personalisation. The corridor seemed to go on and on, with many paths off the main ward, patients shuffling about, all of which seemed to be comatosed and heavily sedated. I was not noticed me at all but the doctor however, was another matter. Patients seemed to shrug away from him, keeping their eyes on the floor, as if looking in his eyes was a dangerous thing. 

"Are you listening to me Tiffany?'

I turn my attention to the doctor.

"I'm sorry, I'm still feeling a bit groggy. What did you give me?"

"I didn't give you anything. Is there something bothering you?"

I take a moment to gather my thoughts, everything seems to be a jumbled mess and I still have that headache. None of this makes any sense to me. I start to zone out again. I can't seem to concentrate on anything.

"I'm going to take you back to your room, get some rest and in the evening I'll come and check on you"

The doctor leads me to my room and guides me inside, locking the door as he leaves. And once again I'm in my brightly lit hell hole.

I go to lie down for a while, I'm still feeling the effects of whatever they gave me. I don't trust that doctor one bit, something isn't right about all of this. How did I get here and why was my door unlocked. If something was really wrong with me they surely would have locked the door. It's almost as if he wanted me to find him... But no I'm thinking crazy again. I just need to rest.

I drift in and out of sleep. Never a deep sleep. But when I wake up properly I find myself paralyzed, my breathing laboured as I try to move. I can see fine and hear everything around me. Like the sound of someone else's breathing around the foot of the bed. I'm afraid to look, I know what I'm going to find. I've seen it before, it's at the foot of my bed watching me as always. But this time the fear is greater. I don't know why but I have a feeling that the demon is not just gonna stand here this time. I finally take a look but there's nothing there. I slowly trace the room with my eyes. Nothing unusual so far. I wiggle my fingers and toes, finally I can move. As I sit up the door opens.

I sit for a moment, waiting for something to come through the doorway but nothing comes. I decide to pull the covers back and slip off the bed. My feel slide onto the cold concrete floor, into a cold liquid, a slimy liquid. I look down to find myself standing in a pool of what I presume to be my own blood and vomit. Yet I don't remember being sick, nor does my mouth taste like blood.

I stand there for a while, until I turn around to find the doctor at the base of my bed. I look down again and it's gone.

"It's time for group" the doctor says

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