Chapter 2: At the end

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I spent most of the lesson in silence, only talking when he asked me a question, which I always stuttered at, causing a slight blush to rise to my cheeks. I tried so hard to just focus on the work, trying not to stare at him. It was rather odd really; I had never really paid attention to any of my teachers over the years, let alone held their gaze for such a frightfully long time. However, there was something about him that changed everything, I couldn't look away from him, no matter how much I tried. The attraction was unbelievably odd, something not quite right about his gaze, it was more like a magnetic field.

However, there was something even more unusual and worrying that the annoyingly angelic teacher that haunted my mind, Sophie. For a long while now she had been silent, sitting in her own gloomy world of doom. I knew that I had annoyed her, but how? Since I had been looking at the teacher, captured in a world of wonder, she had a face like thunder. What was her problem? Either way, I was sure it was my fault, it always was when she was in one of her moods, which I must say; wasn't very often. She just wasn't herself.

Occasionally I would catch sight of her looking at me and then at him and when I say looking, I mean glaring. The only time she stopped giving me the look of death, was when Mr Aching put the film about mitosis and meiosis, the only thing that Sophie had ever found interesting. Therefore, she was completely engrossed in the film, so much so that she didn't see the looks or glances I gave her.

It was five minutes before the end before she finally spoke to me, I thought she was going to explode and I wasn't too wrong. The look that crossed her face suggested that she was going to shout, but I soon found that the quiet tone was worse than shouting could ever be.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" she shot at me with a fiery whip of her tongue.

"What are you on about?"

"You know full well what I mean, staring at the him for ages, he's a science teacher!" She seethed, jerking her head in his direction.

"Jesus, what is your problem? I wasn't staring at him, is this why you've been in a mood all lesson? If so, then that's pathetic. I don't underst..." at that point the bell went cutting me off mid-sentence.

"I'll see you later okay" I said hoping she would be a little less angry, I was a world of wrong.

"Whatever" she snarled snatching up her bag and storming off without saying goodbye, despite Mr Aching's efforts to talk to her.

By the time I had packed up my stuff, everyone had left, leaving me and Mr Aching alone in the room captured by the ever so slightly awkwardness of the situation, I hesitated for a few seconds before I started to leave. There was nothing except the click of my heels hitting the floor in a relative rhythm to my pace. The silence was shattered when he stopped me on my way out the door, gripping my wrist lightly to catch my attention. I stopped slightly shocked by the warmth of his touch and the sudden physical contact that I hadn't expected. I turned around after I had caught hold of my nerves and steadied the butterflies in my stomach, to face the perfection that stood before me.

"I think your grade should be higher" he stated in a slightly dark tone almost as if he wished to say something more.

"Oh" was all I could say in response, I was trying not to feel whatever emotion he wished to stir up with his contact. He probably didn't even mean to stir anything up. I just didn't know what to say to him.

"You seem surprised? But you answered every question right" he said in almost a whisper, so quiet that I almost didn't hear him.

"well...umm.. I can't exactly put it on to paper, every time I try my mind goes blank" I stuttered in a sheepish tone.

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