Chapter 5: Fighting

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The next two days were full of weird tension and awkwardness. You didn't have any time to read, since you were cleaning a lot and Erwin had decided you could still work while looking after the Catpan. So he gave Hanji a big stack of papers to sign, reports to read and other documents. Working through those cost you a lot of time. Gladly Levi had to work on his as well so most of the time it was just the two of you quietly sitting together and working. Still, there was a stiffness in the air around you so strong, that Hanji noticed it even if she just entered the room to bring you food or get her notes from you.

Unfortunately, you had also a lot of time to think about the recent events and it made you feel incredibly confused. Was he playing with you? You didn't think you would be that kind of guy. What does it mean? Does it mean anything for him at all? Does he have feelings towards me? What feelings, regarding him, do I have anyways?

Maybe it's all not really him, but the cat part of Levi? Hanji's cat Natit did always like you a lot so maybe that was just another part of the cat that was transferred to the Corporal and it would pass with the other changes. He would surely hate you after he returned to his normal self if that was the case, wouldn't he?

All this pondering brought you to exactly nothing. The only way out would be asking him, but you were not going to do that anytime soon. How awkward would it be if he told you he didn't like you and then you had to spend the rest of the time with him regardless? Not to mention how much it would hurt you.

The stack of paper in front of you didn't get any smaller in the last three hours or so. You weren't really able to concentrate on anything while thinking so much about other matters. You let out a breath that you didn't realize you were holding in and tried to concentrate on the report you were currently working on.

"What's the matter? I can't concentrate for fucks sake with you breathing like a fucking dog."

Great. Exactly the shit you needed to hear right now. Suddenly there was an overwhelming sadness overcoming you and you felt yourself tearing up a little.

"Nothing much. I'll got get some air." you said and stood up, walking out of the office as fast as possible.

You shut the door rather loudly and went straight to your quarters. Gladly you didn't meet anyone along the way, you would have ended up having to explain why you were crying like a fucking baby. And honestly, you didn't really know yourself. You tried to do it at least quietly so that no one in their office would step out to see what was wrong.

Finally you reached you room and stepped inside. It was just as you had left it when you went to Hanji at the beginning of this dilemma. You locked the door and threw yourself onto you bed. Then you just let everything out. Tears were running down your cheeks and soaked your shirt. Speaking of which, you should really change your clothes. And maybe take a shower as well. You let your tears dry and reached for fresh clothes in your closet. You looked in the mirror and saw your puffy, red eyes. If anyone saw you on the way to the showers you were screwed.

Taking the risk, you basically ran to the showers, which were luckily not to far from your room. You entered the first cubicle and locked it behind you. You took of your old clothes and threw them on the ground. The hot water felt amazing on your tired self. Slowly, you could feel every muscle in your body relaxing and yourself calming down. Your mind cleared up a bit as well. Oh, the wonders a hot shower can do.

It did however not cheer you up a lot. It was normal for Levi to talk like this, so why did it get to you all of the sudden? You figured it was because you hoped he had feelings for you and that was just not a way that someone talks towards someone they really care about. And it made you realize he didn't return your feelings.

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