Chapter 8: Reproduction

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Only a few hours after Hanji had left Levi started to behave weirdly. You noticed how he was shuffling around in his chair more than usual and had a light pink tint to his cheeks as if he had a fever.

"Are you okay? You look like you have a fever or something, Levi" you asked and walked over to him.

"I'm fine" he grumbled and looked down at the report he was reading. You boldly pressed your hand against his forehead. It was burning hot.

"Fine my ass, go to bed. You're probably getting sick. "

"I said I am fine (F/N). It's different from the common flu."

"What? What's different?" you asked, confused.

"It just is, okay? Now please don't come so close to me. " he said and started reading again.

"Hmpf. Okay, but maybe you should take a shower or something, you're sweating quite a lot as well."

"I might actually do that" he said, got up and walked to the bathroom. Soon after that you could hear the shower start. You sighed and sat down on the sofa to take a little nap. But before you could drift of into the dreamland, the Catpan was already finished and exited the bathroom in a fresh pair of boxers.

To your surprise he seemed to take your advice and laid down in bed. He seemed to be very uncomfortable still, since he wouldn't lay still at all.

It was slowly getting dark outside and you were feeling a little hungry so you decided it was probably time to eat dinner. You were not going to make Levi stand up though, he was clearly sick, even if he didn't believe so himself. You stood up and carried Levi's plate into his room. Shortly after you had entered the bedroom he said something.

"Stop right there." he grumbled, his voice cracking while he was talking. "Just lay it down over there and don't come to close"

"Okay" you said,

'He doesn't want me to get sick that's why he's doing that' you thought

"Oh and sleep on the couch today, please. It's better for the both of us" His voice was shaky and still cracking and you wondered whether or not you should consult a doctor. You were going to do that if it didn't get any better.

"Yes, Good Night, Levi" you whispered and closed the door.

As you ate your dinner alone in his office, you were actually feeling kind of lonely. It was the first time in over a week that you had eaten without him in front of you. Tonight was going to be ruff. The sofa was not very comfortable at all, but it was still better than getting sick because you slept next to Levi. And in the end you slept quite well that night.

In the morning you woke up and found that Levi's breakfast was already gone. He must have woken up earlier than you. The door was closed again and you took that as a sign that he did not want you to disturb him.

You could hear the shower start and wondered how long he has been awake.

Since you were quite bored you decided to write down notes for Hanji. This sudden sickness was probably really interesting for her so you made your notes as detailed as possible.

When you were done a lot of time had already passed and you wanted to check up on Levi, when you heard the shower start again. This was the second time today. Levi was a clean freak, but he wouldn't shower two times in less than four hours.

Cat Behavior (Neko!Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now